Honey! I’m here. 亲爱的,我在这。
I spotted you at the first sight. 我一眼就看见你了。
You are late. I’m not late. 你迟到了。我没迟到啊。
I want you to be the first. 我想让你是第一个。
I wanna see you sooner. 我想更早见到你。
So does everyone else. 每个人都这么想啊。
Sometimes I’m in a traffic jam. 路上堵车了。
If Mommy can’t arrive on time, you can’t go with anyone except Mom.
Others have to speak out the secret code before they pick you up.
What’s the secret code? 但暗号是什么呢?
“Daddy’s big tummy?” “爸爸的大肚子”吗?
Walk home again? 又走回家吗?
I'd like you to drive me home. 我喜欢你开车载我回家。
Turn left/right. 向左/右转。
I’ll pick you up every Monday/Wednesday. 我每周一/三来接你。