He / She is a little bit shy. 他有点害羞。
He / She is not an outgoing person. 他不是一个外向的人。
He / She is kind of quiet. 他有点安静。
He / She is active. 他很活跃。
He/ She is talkative. 他挺爱说。
He / She cried so much after you left. 你走后他哭得很厉害。
He / She is anxious without Mommy. 妈妈不在,他很焦虑。
He'll/She'll get used to it. 他会习惯的。
He/She will love here. 他会喜欢这的。
Did you get along well with everyone? 你和大家都处得好吗?
Not everyone.不是每个人。
Is there anyone you don't like? 有你不喜欢的人吗?
Vicky is not kind. Vicky 不友好。
By the way, how is his/her appetite? 顺便问,他胃口怎样呢?
Not bad. He / She picked out green vegetables.
You mean he ate by himself? 你意思是,他是自己吃的吗?
Although very slowly, it's a good start.