Starbucks in the news.Starbucks have introduced a new coffee from Australia called the flak white. 星巴克上新闻了 星巴克引入了一种澳大利亚的新咖啡 叫做平白
The first coffee drink ever to be named after my . 这是第一款以我屁股命名的咖啡
There's absolutely nothing back there.You can iron shirts on this thing. 我后面什么都没有 在上面熨衬衫都没问题
And I have.That's not funny.It's my tragedy. 我试过 这才不好笑呢 是我的悲剧啊
A man in San Francisco visited a plastic surgeon for botox and laser treatments, 旧金山一男子去整容医生那里注射肉毒素和激光手术
And then he skipped out on a 6,000 dollars bill.He's being called the botox .This is a real story. 然后没付6千块医疗费就跑了 他被称为肉毒素强盗 这可是真事
They haven't found him yet but they have good security footage of him leaving the building. 此人尚未被找到 但只是拍下了他离开大楼的清晰录像
Check it out in case you see this guy.There he is.This is the security footage,there he goes. 大家请看 以防你们遇上他 就在那儿呢 这是监控录像 看啊
Let's get a closer look.If you see this guy,let us konw because he owes a lot of money. 看看能不能拉近一点 如果大家看到了他 一定告诉我们 他可欠了一笔大债
Andy,this is what I will look like in eight years. 安迪 我8年之后也会是这个样子
For the last couple of weeks,Andy has been working on a new comedy bit and he says he wants to try it out tonight. 过去几周里 安迪一直在准备一个喜剧节目 他说他今晚想试播一下
I think we owe it to andy to do it.Thank you.All right,I'm ready.Are you ready in the Booth,Allen?You bet,ready.All right andy,Go ahead with you comedy bit. 我觉得我们该让安迪试试 谢谢 我准备好了 艾伦 你那边准备好了吗 当然 准备好了 好了 安迪 开始你的节目吧