Now,you are,I had some many people tell me in the comedy community what a terrifc you are.thanks. 在喜剧界有好多人告诉我 你是个超级棒的即兴表演者 谢谢
Watched you do improv in in shows and say you're really good. 他们见过你即兴表演 说你真的很棒
And I understand you have some anxiety.You get anxiety before you do improv. 我知道你有些焦虑 你即兴表演之前会觉得焦虑
A little,I'm a very anxious person.Do you have an exercise or anything you do before you go on stage? 是的 我是个很焦虑的人 上舞台之前你会不会做运动之类的事
Cause I know I did improv years ago and Andy started out in improv. 我多年前即兴表演过 安迪也是先做的即兴表演
Some people have actual technics they do to sort of help them warm up before they go on stage. 有些人有一些技巧 能帮助他们上舞台之前热身
There was one exercise they used to have us do in improv class,and it was this exercise called give me back my son, 在即兴表演课上 他们要我们做一种练习 名字叫把我儿子还给我
And have you ever seen the movie"Ransom" with Mel Gibson?Yeah,yeah,Ok. 你看过梅尔·吉布森的《赎金风暴》吗 看过 好的
In that movie Mel Gibson's son is kidnapped and there was a dramatic scene where he's on the phone with his son's captors 那部电影中 梅尔·吉布森的儿子被绑架了 其中有戏剧性的一幕 他跟他儿子的绑匪打电话
and he goes,give me back my son!And he's really red face and angry. 他说 把我的儿子还给我 他面红耳赤 十分生气
So the exercise,the wear the exercise worked,you would like walk up to somebody in the class and you would make eye contact. 这个练习也类似如此 你走向你的一个同学 做眼神交流
And you would have to with full rage and say,give me back my son and hold eye contact. 你愤怒起来 然后说 把我的儿子还给我 并保持眼神交流
And not laugh.And then they would do it to the next person. 不要笑场 他们会对下一个人这样做
So,How does it work? How do you get eliminated?If you laugh.You laugh.You can't laugh. 所以 这是怎么回事 怎么就算被淘汰了 笑了吗 笑了 你不能笑
You have to commit.even thought you're anxious.there's no more awkward thing to do than walk up to another adult, 你必须全神贯注 就算你很焦虑 没什么事比走向另一个成年人 冲他喊着
Scream give me back my son and hold their gaze. 把我的儿子还给我 并保持眼神交流更尴尬的事了
Would you live to try it?I think we should.Absolutely. 你想试试吗?我觉得我们该试试 没问题
The critical thing,you have to have like full,like all of the anger,your son's been taken,right.I get it. 关键在于你得相当愤怒 你的儿子被抢走了 好吗 我懂