Thank you so much.Thank you,thank you.There's really no time for a show now.You've used it all up. 谢谢大家 感谢 太感谢了 这下没时间做节目了 时间都被你们浪费了
I'm telling you,not on me.I get paid either way. 告诉你们 这可不怪我 我反正也能拿钱
That was really nice,violent,very nice people here. 好热情暴力的观众 大家都很热情
It's when they start throwing things that I realize it's starting to turn.right. 他们开始扔东西时 我就意识到情况不对了
It always starts nice and then it becomes angry.Right,it starts with flowers and ends with shoes. 起初总是很热情 然后变成了愤怒 是啊 起初是鲜花 最后变成了鞋子
A guy in the back threw a battery at me.Anyway,a good battery. 后面一个人冲我扔电池 总之 是款好电池
We have such a great show tonight.I'm very excited about it.and I am not a fan of this program. 今晚节目很精彩 我很期待 我可不喜欢这节目呢
I do not like the host.he is badly cast.But so much to talk about. 我不喜欢主持人 选他太不该了 好多可谈
A lot going on.A new book.You might have heard about this.It's kind of a . 有很多事情 一本新书 大家可能听说过 是个丑闻
A new book is coming out in which a former white house staff member there was betweent bill and Hillary Clinton. 一本新书即将推出 一名前白宫任职人员在书中透露了比尔和希拉里·克林顿之间的紧张关系
Yes,yes.The book is called "Shit everybody knows".It's .They had difficulties. 是的 是的 这本书叫《谁不知道啊》 难以置信啊 他们也有分歧呢