That was funny.I went to,I was in finland once for an awards show 真搞笑 我以前去芬兰参加过一个颁奖礼
For some reason that I can't even explain and I didn't know what was happening. 理由我自己都解释不了 我不知道发生了什么
And then there was another time where I was on a German talk show that was sort of like this kind of show 还有一次我去了一个德国脱口秀 跟这个秀差不多
But they all German and I had an ear piece. 但他们都说德语 我得戴着耳机
I would try to make a joke and,then I went and my friend Andy and I tried to buy a goldfish and we lost it. 如果我想讲个笑话 就会是这样 我和我朋友安迪买了一条金鱼 结果弄丢了 耳机里就是这声音
And no laugh.10 minutes later a laugh that's out of sync with what I said. 全场一片寂静 然后十分钟后观众笑了 但是和我说的话完全不同步
Wait,that was about what I said 10 minutes ago. 等等 他们一定在笑我十分钟前讲的笑话
I will tell myself when I go to sleep at night,they totally laughed at my joke. 我今晚睡觉时就这样安慰自己 他们真的被我的笑话逗笑了
They were not laughing at me.That was a great .Where do you keep the award now?Or did you just leave it on the podium? 他们不是在笑我 那真是很大的荣誉 你现在把奖杯放在哪里 还是说你留在那个讲台上了
I can't take it,I'm too nervous.I'm just going to go. 我太紧张了 这一定很有趣 我得走了
We will take a quick break.Much more with Kristen Stewart after this.Stick around. 稍事休息 下节继续采访克里斯汀·斯图尔特 别走开