When you perform in comedy clubs,first of all,no one interrupts you. 你在喜剧俱乐部里表演时 首先没人会打断你
If they do,the manager comes and says you shut up or you're out.I do like that.Stern,it's business and that's mean. 如果有人打断 经理会过来 说要么闭嘴 要么出去 我喜欢 很严厉 这是正事 我就是这样
When you get to the houses,like perform in a barn,Yeah.There are dogs crapping,children stepping in it,Parents don't, get out of there,Billy.I hate that. 当你在别人家里 比如在谷仓表演 嗯 有狗在拉屎 孩子们乱入 父母说 别 走开 比利 我讨厌那一切
How can you do comedy when a kid was yelling?Were there kids yelling when you're doing comedy? 孩子们叫嚷时你怎么表演喜剧啊 你们表演喜剧时有孩子们叫嚷吗
Yes,Conan,of course.they are yelling the whole time.What do you do?I do the proper thing as an adult. 是啊 柯南 当然啦 他们一直在叫嚷 你怎么做啊 我做的是成年人做的合适的事情
I give the parents a message,to give the child when they're 16 and of age to understand 我给父母一张纸条 让他们在孩子们16岁的时候给他们 或者懂事的年纪
that they had been heckling a and just talks about how awful they are. 他们对着谐星起哄了 基本上就是在说他们有多糟糕
Going to read this in the furture?Yes,read this in the future.You were terrible and you should konw it.Thank you. 他们以后要读吗 是啊 以后要读 你很糟糕 你该知道 谢谢
So you have been all over the place.You have shot in all kinds of places. 你们一直在到处乱跑 你们在各种地方拍照
You have been on the road.You have been in cars,barns,homes,basements,silos,everywhere. 你们在路上 在车里 谷仓 家里 地下室 竖井 到处都有你们
You name it,you have been there.You must have some great stories.Not really.Don't think so. 任何地方你们都去过 你们肯定有很棒的故事吧 没有 我想没有
I can tell a story,yeah,if you want.That's what people do when they come on a talk show,they tell a story.If you have a story,that would be great. 如果你想的话 我可以讲个故事 人们上脱口秀节目时 就会讲故事 如果你有故事 那就太棒了