A man and his wife entered the dentist's office. The man said, "I want a tooth pulled. We're in a big hurry, so forget about any pain killers.
The dentist said,"You're very brave. Which tooth is it?" The man said to his wife, "Show him your bad tooth, honey.
1.A man and his wife entered the dentist's officc. 一个男人和他妻子进入一家牙医诊所。
office 一般指办公室,但它也可表示公司、事务所、诊所 (clinic)、医务室(infirmary)等。
2.The roan said, "I want a tooth pulled."
句中的“pulled”也可替换成extracted或taken out。“I want (to have) a tooth pulled”这个句子省略了 to have。“have +名词或代词十过去分词”表示“请人把人或物…' 如:She had her hair penned.她烫了头发。
3.We're in a big hurry, so orget about any pain killers.
4.The dentist said, "You're very brave."
5.Which tooth is it?
6. The man said to his wife, "Show him your bad tooth, honey."
所谓的bad tooth可能会有四种情形:①龋齿(cavity), ②牙齿的珐琅质(enamel)被腐蚀(decay),③牙龈(gums)生病,④牙齿松动(loose)。