My Dream Job
I found a dream job—testing computer games. My first day at work I was listing testing plans in an Excel program when my manager walked by. He looked at my screen for a moment, then said sternly, “I’d better not catch you using Excel on company time when you know you should be playing games.”
1.test测试/测验/化验 The teacher tested the students’ knowledge of English grammar.老师测验学生的英语语法知识。test ore for iron化验矿石以确定是否含铁;be tested for tuberculosis接受结核病检查
2.list列出。Mother listed the items she wanted to buy before Christmas.母亲把圣诞节前要买的东西开了张单子。His name is listed in the telephone directory.电话簿上登有他的名字。还可以指“列举”:In the discussion, he listed a wide variety of problems.在讨论中他列举了一大堆各种各样的问题。
3.Excel微软出品的电子表格软件。excel这个词本身是什么意思呢?这是一个动词,意思是“胜过/优于/突出”,可以是及物或不及物:excel at chess棋艺精湛。He excelled all other poets of his day.他胜过同时代的所有其他诗人。He excels as an orator.他是个出类拔萃的演说家。
4.sternly严厉地。形容词是stern严厉的/严峻的/坚定的:a stern punishment严厉的处罚;take stern measures采取严格措施;a stern teacher严格的老师; a stern resolve毫不动摇的决心;be stern against sth.坚定不移地反对某事。Don’t get too stern with them.不要对他们过分严格。
5.“ I’d better not catch you…”这是典型的“had better do sth.”的句型,后面要加的是动词原型,有否定词要跟在better后面。
6.catch抓住。catch是个多义词,比如“赶上”:We caught him before he had gone far.他还没有走远,我们就追上了他。 “偶然发现”:They were caught trying to corner the rice market.他们被发觉企图垄断大米市场。
“击中”:She caught him one on the cheek.她打了他一记耳光