Hire A Bodygaurd
When my new job required me to transport valuables, I decided I needed a gun for protection. Since I knew next to nothing about firearms, I joined a pistol club. After watching and evaluating my technique for a few weeks, the instructor pulled me aside.
“Are you open to a suggestion?” he asked.
“Absolutely,” I replied.
“Hire a bodyguard,” he said.
1.bodyguard保镖。a bodyguard to sb.某人的保镖。The president was surrounded by a small bodyguard.总统由一小队保卫人员团团围住。还可以作及物动词使用:bodyguard sb. all the way to the gate 一路护送某人到大门口。
2.transport运输。goods transported to India运往印度的货物。还有“使欣喜若狂”的意思:He was transported with joy.他喜不自胜。“把…带入特定境地”:Alone in her hotel room, a fever of longing transported her to her bedroom at home.她独自一人在旅馆房间里,一阵思家之情似乎把她带到了家中的卧室。 to几乎。We had next to nothing to say to one another.我们之间几乎么有什么话好说。还可以指“贴近”:The hotel is next to the church.旅馆就在教堂隔壁。“居于…之后”:My sister is the next to oldest.我姐姐排行老二。
4.pistol手枪。Pistol shooting events include free pistol, rapid fire pistol, standard pistol, air pistol, and sport pistol.手枪射击包括: 自选手枪射击,手枪速射,标准手枪射击,气手枪射击和运动手枪射击。
5.evaluvate评估。He evaluated the horses at thirty-five dollars a head.他将这些马定价为每匹35美元。How would you evaluate yourself?你对自己将如何评价? 也可以作不及物动词:We come as critics, to scrutinize and to evaluate.我们是来挑刺的,来细细查看并给予评估的。
6.instructor教员。搭配上不同的词,可以表示各种教员,比如:fitness instructor 健美师;technical instructor 技术指导讲师; an assistant instructor 助教。