大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国迎来了一位新领导人。亚历山大•鲍里斯•德菲菲尔•约翰逊(Alexander Boris de pfejohnson)昨日成为英国新任首相,此前特蕾莎•梅(Theresa May)于6月宣布辞职。通常被称为鲍里斯(Boris)的约翰逊实现了儿时的梦想——成为英国领导人。据报道,当他8岁的时候,他告诉他的父母他想成为世界之王。他现在的总理职位较低,但面临着艰巨的任务。他最紧迫的任务是实现英国退欧,并确保英国退出欧盟。约翰逊发誓要确保这一目标在10月31日前实现。他的政治前途就取决于此。
Boris Johnson had to go to Buckingham Palace to meet Queen Elizabeth before taking over as the UK's 77th Prime Minister. Tradition dictates that the Queen formally asks any new appointee to form a new government. Johnson accepted and drove to 10 Downing Street - the official residence of the British leader. His first job is to form his Cabinet - the people who will take up key decision-making roles in the new UK government. Johnson said: "Though I am today building a great team of men and women, I will take personal responsibility for the change I want to see." In his first speech to the nation as Prime Minister, he promised to spend more money on the police, education and social welfare.