Last night it looked like a cease fire was taking hold in the Middle East. It came after a weekend of violence between Israel and Palestinian militant groups. In fact, this was the worst fighting between the two sides since war broke out in 2014. It all started Friday in Gaza, a Palestinian controlled territory of about 2 million people that borders the Mediterranean Sea. During weekly protests near the fence between Gaza and Israel, a sniper inside Gaza wounded two Israeli soldiers and Israel’s military killed four Palestinians.
The violence got worse throughout the weekend and by Monday Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two Palestinian militant groups, had fired 690 rockets into Israel according to the nation’s military and Israel had launched air strikes against 350 militant targets. At least four people in Israel were killed, at least 23 people were killed in Gaza and the two sides blamed each other for the attacks. The Israeli president said his nation would continue its quote, "massive attacks against terrorist elements and that Hamas was responsible and would pay a heavy price". The leader of Hamas in Gaza said quote, "the more atrocious the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian civilians are, the stronger the Palestinian response will be".
周末,暴力活动愈演愈烈。根据以色列军方的数据,截至周一,巴勒斯坦两个激进组织哈马斯(Hamas)和伊斯兰圣战组织(Islamic Jihad)向以色列发射了690枚火箭弹,以色列还对350个激进分子目标发动了空袭。以色列至少4人死亡,加沙至少23人死亡,双方互相指责对方应对袭击负责。以色列总统表示,国家将继续“对恐怖分子进行大规模袭击,哈马斯要对此负责,并将付出沉重代价”。 加沙地带哈马斯领导人表示,“以色列对巴勒斯坦平民的袭击越残暴,巴勒斯坦的反应就会越强烈。”
After intense diplomatic work by the United Nations and Egypt to get the two sides to stop fighting, it appeared that things had calmed down on Monday though the leaders of Israel and Hamas were saying more attacks could be on the horizon. The United Nations specifically spoke out against the launches of rockets in the civilian areas of Israel. When that happens, Israel has what’s called an Iron Dome Defense System in place.
Last night it looked like a cease fire was taking hold in the Middle East. It came after a weekend of violence between Israel and Palestinian militant groups. In fact, this was the worst fighting between the two sides since war broke out in 2014. It all started Friday in Gaza, a Palestinian controlled territory of about 2 million people that borders the Mediterranean Sea. During weekly protests near the fence between Gaza and Israel, a sniper inside Gaza wounded two Israeli soldiers and Israel’s military killed four Palestinians.
The violence got worse throughout the weekend and by Monday Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two Palestinian militant groups, had fired 690 rockets into Israel according to the nation’s military and Israel had launched air strikes against 350 militant targets. At least four people in Israel were killed, at least 23 people were killed in Gaza and the two sides blamed each other for the attacks. The Israeli president said his nation would continue its quote, "massive attacks against terrorist elements and that Hamas was responsible and would pay a heavy price". The leader of Hamas in Gaza said quote, "the more atrocious the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian civilians are, the stronger the Palestinian response will be".
After intense diplomatic work by the United Nations and Egypt to get the two sides to stop fighting, it appeared that things had calmed down on Monday though the leaders of Israel and Hamas were saying more attacks could be on the horizon. The United Nations specifically spoke out against the launches of rockets in the civilian areas of Israel. When that happens, Israel has what’s called an Iron Dome Defense System in place.