I've got to make it through a week of challenges in the sort of places you wouldn't last a day without the right survival skills. 一周内 我将身涉险境 面临生死考验 周遭炼狱 没有生存技巧 你命在旦夕 而我要设法突出重围
Now I am froze with the Arctic Circle where I'll be backing to some the most extremely conditions on the planet. 这次来到了冻死人的北极圈地区 它是这个星球气候最恶劣的地方之一
This plan has not gone to plan. To get it, go, go, go taking my wealth against nature and showing you how to survive and consults struggle with the elements. 计划赶不上变化 快 上 上 上 拍摄我跟大自然恶劣气候做斗争 向你们展示如何绝境求生 跟恶劣环境搏斗
I am over 200 miles inside the Arctic Circle here, and the temperature is regularly deeply low minus-50 degrees. 我位于北极圈2百英里内飞行 这里的气温通常是零下50度
That's the psychology game. This is gonna be a mission. 这次玩的是心理战 这次的任务就在于此
The Arctic Circle is a sparsely populate reign of ice snow and freezing sea, 冰天雪地的北极圈地区 人烟稀少
covering eight million square miles around the North Pole. 北极覆盖了周围800万平方公里的地区
Parachute into this barren landscape would be one of my toughest jumps up ever taken on. 跳伞进入这片蛮荒之地 将是我生平最严峻的挑战
All this strain it just covered steep rocks slope and boulders. 这一带是布满陡峭的岩石和巨砾
My broke my back in parachute accident. I don't want that happened again. 我曾经在一次跳伞摔伤了后背 我绝不想噩梦重演