They often use the same tracks,and this one is like a reindeer highway. 它们通常都走一条路线 就像是驯鹿的高速公路
And the idea is,once a reindeer comes along,place its foot in there, steps up. 这陷阱的原理 是当驯鹿跑来 脚踏入这个陷阱 继续向前走
It's gonna get caught in it.The more traps you set,the better your chance of catching something. 这样它就被抓住了 陷阱设得越多 捕获猎物的几率也就越大
I've pretty well scatter-gunned the area with nooses so we'll see what happens. 这块区域我差不多布置妥当了 看看结果会怎样
What I need you to do is back down that track we came, go up onto the hillside, 我们现在要做的是 回到我们刚来走过的那条路 爬上那个山坡
camouflage yourself, no movement, stay low.And I am gonna grab this camera. 伪装自己 不要动 趴下 我会拿着摄像机
Go around, try and sneak all the way around the back of them.Okay, let's go for it. 绕到另一边 尝试悄无声息地走到它们后面 好 开始行动
The crew are out of the way on the hill,and I am going in alone to outflank the herd. 拍摄小组留在了山坡上 我单枪匹马去包抄驯鹿群
These deer have highly tuned eyesight.A stealthy approach is vital. 这些驯鹿的视力极好 偷偷接近它们的结果会是致命的
What's difficult is these reindeer really up here are on a pretty flat plateau. Once you are out of the gully,there's not a huge amount of cover. 现在的难度在于 那些驯鹿全都逗留 在广阔的平原上 一旦走出山沟 没有多少东西能掩护你
I need to stay low and hope that the herd doesn't see me.Okay, they've started to move. 我需要尽量压低身子 希望它们不会发现我 好了 它们开始逃命了
Whether that's me or whether something else has spooked them, I don't know. 不知道是我的原因 还是其他什么东西惊着它们了 不清楚
But at the moment, they're moving the wrong way But I don't know what to do. 但现在 它们跑的方向是错误的 我不知道该怎么办
They're looking for a way to run.Here's a chance! Go! Go, go, go! 它们正在找逃命的路线 机会来了 上 上 上