I head straight for the trees where I can make a fire.And this deep snow is a serious workout! 我径直去找可以生火的树林 在厚重的雪中行走真吃力
There's all this blowing straight off the high mountains up there. 它们都是从 那些高山上吹下来的
With all this exercise,the blood is pumping and I can feel my hands again. 这样的一番跋涉 使血液回到了四肢 我的手有知觉了
But the clock is ticking.In these wet clothes, my body is losing heat fast. 但时间紧迫 湿的衣服使我身体热量流失很快
See that? Down the bottom of the valley.So, let's get down there. 看到了吗 那个峡谷底部 我们去哪儿吧
It's some kind of old hunting lodge, but it looks abandoned. 是间猎户小屋 但好像已经废弃了
It doesn't look like anyone's been here for a very long time. 看起来已经久无人迹了
Get down, have a look in.Have to clear some of this snow out. 下去看看 需要清理一下积雪
I can't even open the door.Okay, come on.Good firewood, at least.A really very, very ancient ski. 否则打不开门 好了 进去吧 至少木材还不错 真是个古董级滑雪板
And these don't look like they've been used in a very long time. 看起来久未使用了
Okay, first thing, I need to get a fire,need to get warm again. 首先我要生火 我需要取暖
People used to hunt wolverine in this area. 以前这里有人捕狼獾
Now they are protected and these lodges are redundant. 但现在狼獾是受保护动物 这些小屋也就废弃了
But it's a welcome place to take stock before I get on my way. 但这里就是我养足精神 继续上路的绝佳之所