But there's no getting away from it, it is still cold. 但不能彻底阻挡 还是很冷
Less cold than if I didn't have this shelter, but still cold. 比没有鹿皮强点儿 但还是很冷
I'm actually just going to set that other torch burning, 我要去看看那边的火把
see how the fishing's going.It'll give me a chance to get my feet moving again. 看看钓鱼效果 顺便检查下我的双脚是否能动
Okay. Come on.But I'll need to be quick. 好吧 行动 但是我要快速行动
It's midnight. And right now the temperature is minus-30 degrees. 现在是午夜 零下三十度
At least I've got some blood moving again.Back into the snow coffin.It's been a long, cold night. 至少能让血液重新流动起来了 又回到了雪棺里 漫漫冰雪长夜
It's such a relief when the sun rises and with it, the temperature. 看到日出 感到温暖 我如释重负
It was freezing cold last night. I ended up wrapping myself in all this parachute, trying to keep me warm. 昨晚真是太冷了 我用降落伞裹紧自己 以求保暖
Anyway, get down and check this ice-fishing hole. 去看看钓鱼冰洞吧
Look, the snow stopped the hole from freezing, 看 雪阻止了洞口结冰
let's see if we got anything on here.Yeah, well, that's a "no" isn't it? 看看有没有收获 答案是否
Maybe this wedge bathing.Anyway, you can't win them all.Get on my way.Time to get moving. 也许树枝浸水了 你不可能事事都如意的 继续前进 该出发了
But in this frozen landscape, nature blocks you at every turn. 在这片冰原 每一步走得都不会那么顺利
I can't say enough just how careful you've got to be with water this cold. 我要说的是 通过如此寒冷的冰水要特别地谨小慎微
You've got to be prepared for something like this. 之前必须有类似的训练
But even then, it's still gonna hurt.Bloody Norah! 即便是那样 这还是会有危险的 天啊