The largest of all is the giant catfish,native to south Vietnam,which can weigh over 600 pounds. 体型最大的品种为巨鲶 原产于越南南部 重达600磅
This one's a tiddler by comparison,but it's gonna be good eating. 相比之下 这只算是小巧玲珑的 不过应该很好吃
You see him? Look, he's just here.Just caught his tail. 看见它没 快看 就在那 只抓到尾巴
Okay, let me dam this bit, as well.We'll keep him in this pool. Stay there.Okay. 我们把这边也挡上吧 这样就把它堵在里面了 你在那别动 好了
There's one catfish now trapped in here,which is good to me that I can bide my time, 鲶鱼被困在这里了 正好为我争取时间
go and make myself some sort of spear, and try and get him. 去做一个鱼叉来抓住它
That's gonna be lunch.You can sharpen bamboo up to make lethal spear, 我的午餐就算解决了 你可以把竹子削尖 制成致命的鱼叉
and I want to maximize my chances of catching that catfish. 我要把抓住它的几率扩到最大
I want to make this really into eight prongs,so I split the head of it,and then sharpen them. 我将从竹子的一头 把它劈成八瓣 再把它们削尖
And then look - You get a little bit of bamboo and wedge it down the middle. 然后把一小段楔子和竹片 塞进竹筒中
You'll see that just splaying those prongs. 你就能看到它把这些分叉 撑开了