The fast and simplest way is for the pilot to reverse the plane. 最简单可行的办法就是 让飞行员将飞机翻转过来
Flip it up side down and drop me out. 机腹朝上 直接把我丢出去
Might be stomach journey,but it's an effective deployment. 也许你的胃会因此翻江倒海 但这种方法最为有效
This isn't first to me.But if I catch the tail on accident,it's game over. 我不是第一次这么干了 但如若我稍有不慎 撞上尾翼 我就一命呜呼了
My mission is to show you how to stay alive long enough to make it back to civilization. 我的任务 是教您如何在这样的环境中求生 重返文明世界
All I'm taking is a few basic survival tools and my crews coming with me. 我将随身携带最基本的求生装备 摄制组会和我一起共赴荒野
That's a plane out there.I don't know how to get down there. 我刚才坐的飞机在那 我不知道怎样才能到达地面
This is one of the most scourged regions in North Amecira.Temperature roars over 100 for monthes. 这里是北美自然环境最为凶险的地区之一 温度会连续几个月都高于100华氏度
And already from here I can feel the heat in the desert. 从这里我就能感受到 沙漠散发出来的热量了
And this is just gonna be a case that don't catch the cactus. 下面要做的就是 别撞上那些仙人掌了
On the ground.Bad strained on these cactus.Let's get this parachute. let's go.Leave it here. 着陆成功 但还是被这些仙人掌给挂到了 收好降落伞 咱们走吧 降落伞就丢这
Most people would get lost with nothing.Let's get moving. 大多数人都是两手空空 迷失在荒野之中 咱们走吧
The Chihuahuan desert is brutally hard and bone dry. 奇瓦瓦沙漠 万分凶险 异常干燥
Most aeras get less than 1 inch rain a month. 大多数地区月平均降雨量不足1英寸
Out here, staying hydrated is going to be the biggist challenge. 在这里 保持身体的水分 将是我所面临的最大挑战
But it's absolutely vital.and the key to survive in a place like this. 但这一点至关重要 这也是在此类地区生存的关键所在