Two thousands foot,time to deploy.Oh, mountain's just true. 两千英尺高 该开伞了 真实的高山
with boulders and big rocks.Below there is a lake,just down beneath me. 巨砾 大岩石 底下还有一条河 就在我下面
That's where I'm going land for Say taking a diving and getting wet or probably break an ankle. 我打算降落到那 我可能掉到水里变成落汤鸡 或者可能会摔断脚踝
This is gonna be tight.Jumping into water is full with potential risk. 情况紧急 跳到水里也有很多隐患
But the main one being the rigging lines can just wrap around you,lug and lock the persistence cords and in fact to ground you. 主要的原因是绳子会将人给缠住 螺帽 锁线 这些会把人给困住
Quite a hairy that, look In Sumatra, I was heading for a desert island. 真是惊险万分 看 在苏门答腊岛 我正朝着一个沙漠岛屿前进
This time with all the dry land covered in weage vegetation.My only option was to land in sea. 沙漠外围一圈 有着稀疏的植被 我唯一的选择就是跳进水里
Facing strong rip tides and big surf,going with chute attached could be disastrous. 面对这些翻滚的潮涌和大浪 身上绑着降落伞入水很危险
I had to ditch the canopy before I hit the water.But release in too high,and the fall would be just dangerous. 进水前我得卸掉降落伞 但是卸掉得太早了 跳下去也很危险
Luckily this time,I got it just right.Wherever I go, cameraman Simon is closed behind. 但是这次很走运 我拿捏得刚刚好 无论去哪里 摄影师西蒙总是紧随其后
I like to push it to the limit,but sometimes it has concerns. 我喜欢挑战极限 但有时候情况特殊
Hovering over 40 foot up just out of the skeleton coast of Namibia,I was about to jump.But Simon wasn't so sure. 盘旋于40尺高空 在纳米比亚的骷髅海岸外 我准备要跳了 但是西蒙有所疑虑
Everytime when he jumped out the helicopter into, into any kind of water,I've always had a gulp and gone. 每次当他从直升机跳入水里 我都会先深吸口气再跳
And Bear rehearse the signal be high, be high. I don't think it... I really wanna jump that.But ok, if he's gonna go, I've got go. 贝尔会示意 拉高高度 但我真不想从这么高跳 但是没啥 他跳我就跳