Just a stinking, fetid,horrible block of rock in the middle of the sea, 这块海中岩石 真的是臭不可闻 臭的无与伦比啊
stinking of all of this guano, bird poop,and all of these cactus.Look, you see that's it's covered in it. 奇臭无比的鸟屎鸟粪 还有这些仙人掌 看到么 上面遍布鸟粪
I can hardly breathe, this place stinks so much. 我都无法呼吸了 这地方真是臭不可当
While the rock's holding, let's get up this thing. 石头还算结实 我们爬上去看个究竟
Scan the horizon a bit here from right up this rock. 从岩石的顶端 可远眺四周
Well, this is one of these places.you'll never really imagining things. 噢 这个地方 绝对扼杀了所以美好的幻想
And you certainly never want to come to again. 你绝不会想再次踏足此地
There's some booby eggs.See these? Look, a little nest. 那有些鸟蛋 看到了吗 就在那有个小鸟巢
See if these are fresh.Ugh, man, that one is not. 看这是不是还新鲜 恶 天哪 这是个坏的
That one's kind of all right. 这个好像还行
It's full of protein but tastes like a mix of salt and fish,delightful. 这富含蛋白质 但吃着象腌的鱼肉 味道好极了
Time to leave this putrid island. 是时候离开这臭气熏天的海岛了
Actually, look. There's a pool of a little water here,and this is gonna be fresh. 等等 看到了吗 这有一小滩水 这该是淡水
We're way above the high-tide mark here. 此处远高出满潮时的水位
The thing is, it is full of bird droppings and looking pretty fetid,but it is worth collecting this. 问题是这里到处都是鸟粪 还散发着恶臭 但是淡水就不能放过