You've got to stay focused and motivated,but you also need to improvise, 你必须集中精神 积极行动 但同时你还要发挥临场能力
using whatever you find to stay alive and reach safety. 利用一切能找到的东西生存 抵达安全的地方
Adaptability is the key. 适应性是关键
It's very hard to plan,because, ultimately,the environment will try and take control. 规划计划非常困难 因为 基本上 总是环境试图控制我们
So you've just got to be flexible,you got to keep your wits about you. 所以你必须灵活地 机智地发挥能动性
Triggers it. Whether you are making a trap,a raft,or somewhere safe to sleep.Perfect! 发射 无论你在设计陷阱 做木筏 还是做一个吊床 完美
You've got to use whatever you find. 你得让你找到的一切都派上用场
In Panama, I wanted to show how you can absorb the unboiled, dirty water I'd found on a deserted rock. 在巴拿马 我想教人们如何饮用在荒芜的石缝中 发现的脏水
The thing is, this is full of bird droppings and looking pretty fetid. 里面全是鸟屎 臭气熏天
Drinking this foul water would make you vomit. 饮用如此污秽的水 会导致呕吐
Vomiting would lead to further dehydration,which ultimately could kill you. 呕吐会导致严重脱水 严重的话会致死
But there is a last desperate measure you can take. 不过上天总会给你留活路的
Using my water bottle and a rubber pipe I found washed up on the beach, 我要用水杯和刚在岸边发现的橡胶水管
I'm gonna give myself a makeshift enema. 给自己来个临时灌肠
There are stories of this saving people's lives. 这方法能救命
There's one particular family who was stranded in a life raft,and all this water had gathered in the bottom of it. 曾经有一家人 困于救生筏上 他们所有的水都是从
And they'd been feeding off turtles,and it was mixed with turtles' blood, it had gone fetid. 食用海龟后剩下的 混合着海龟血液的臭水中获取
And the only way they managed to stay hydrated was by using that fetid water and giving themselves an enema. 为了不脱水 只能这么做 用那些臭水给自己灌肠