And what they do when they make this stuff they actually impregnate it with kerosene. 通常来说这种绳子的制作方法就是 把绳子浸泡在煤油里
It keeps all the bugs away from biting through it. 浸泡之后能防虫蛀
So it should take a spark.Here we go. 这样就能点着了 搞定
Got to be a little bit careful melting snow directly into a metal cup. 在金属杯里面化雪的时候 要十分小心
What will happen It'll tend to just burn the bottom of the cup 有时候 由于雪和杯底之间有空隙
and not actually melt the actual snow,create a little gap. 火只会加热杯底 而不会把雪化掉
So it's a good idea to put a little drop of water in there. 因此最好 在杯里面加点水
And that will just help getting the snow started. 这样有助于雪的熔化
You might not feel it,but your body is getting dehydrated Just as you would in hot and humid conditions. 你也许没感觉到 但是你的身体正在脱水 就如同你在湿热的环境里面感觉不到脱水一样
Any fluid you can get into your body is a good thing. 摄入的任何水分对你身体来说都是有好处的
Here you go. This is melted now. 好了 雪开始化了
Actually, it's surprising how little water you get from a whole mug full of snow. 事实上一大杯雪 化了以后只有很少的水
The reason is, snow has got so much air around it.That's why it's a good insulator. 因为雪周围有很多空气 这也是雪能保温的原因
Bad thing to melt if you want to get a lot of water,but this is better than nothing. 如果你想多喝点水 选择化雪取水绝不明智 不过有总比没有好
It's just another example of how hard it is to survive in the mountains If you don't have a lot of kit with you, 这也从另一方面证明了 在山上生存是多么困难 如果你手边没有足够的工具
you just got to keep being resourceful and thinking of a way to be able to keep hydrated. 那最好保证你周围有足够的资源 并且想方设法保持体内的水分
Well, that's nice.Finding water up here is a challenge.Finding food,even harder. 真好喝 如果说找水喝是个不小的挑战 那找食物吃就难上加难
But as you descend,your chances of finding both improve dramatically.That actually makes me gag, that. 但是随着海拔的下降 找到食物和水的几率会显著增长 这简直让我想吐