Vultures, you know, wouldn't leave their eggs like that. 秃鹰是不会这样丢下自己的蛋的
If they had,this is gonna be sitting around.That's why it's rotted. 如果他们把蛋真的留下了 那么秃鹰也会守在边上的 正因此 蛋腐烂了
Normally, any bird egg is edible,unless it stinks like that. 按常理 鸟蛋都是可以食用的 除非臭成这样
That actually makes me gag, that. 这味儿可真叫我窒息
And I don't often say that.Got to get back in. 我很少这样 话说回来
It was worth a try. 值得一试
You just never know when you might get lucky. 谁知到好运不会降临呢
Let's rethread it one more time. 让我们再把它穿过去
And then that's gonna take me to the bottom. 然后就要到底了
Okay. Pull this other one through. 好的 把这边拉过来
At least we're down to the valley floor. 至少我们是到了谷底
Surviving in the wild is all about never giving up.Okay. Let's go. 荒野求生的关键就是永不放弃 好的 走吧
And resourcefulness and courage are crucial if you want to make it out alive. 足智多谋与勇气同样不可或缺 如果你真想成为幸存者的话