which is twice the size of California. 这里的面积相当于加利福尼亚的两倍
It is so isolated that there are more bears here than there are people. 这里与世隔绝 当地熊的数量远大于人口数
Survival is all about physical and mental strength. 生存需要强健的体魄与心理素质
With basic skills and the right attitude,you can survive in the wilderness. 只要有基本的技巧和良好的心态 你在野外就能存活下来
My first recruit is 39-year-old Joe Resto, from New York. 第一位新成员是 来自纽约的乔·莱斯特 今年39岁
I always wanted to climb to the top of a mountain. 我一直很想征服一座高山
I will probably be the only Puerto Rican in history to climb a mountain. 我可能会成为波多黎各 登山史上的第一人
But it's comforting to know that I'll have Bear 得知贝尔将会在我身边
not too far from me to take care of things if things get out of hand. 在危急关头伸出援手 我感到很欣慰
And joining Joe is 29-year-old Sean Lacoste, from the midwest. 和乔一起的是 来自中西部的肖恩·拉科斯特 今年29岁
This is something that I signed up for,and I want it to be a challenge. 我报名参加这个节目 是想挑战自我
I want to be able to face my fears and my weaknesses and overcome those. 我希望能够直面并征服 我的恐惧感和弱点
Sean and Joe won't be disappointed. 一切将如他们所愿
But the wilderness is both dangerous and unpredictable. 但是荒野既危机四伏又变幻莫测
Okay, are you set for this? 你们准备好了吗
Get ready for the most wild cab ride you're ever gonna take.Keep low. 准备踏上最狂野的荒野之旅 蹲下点儿
This heli is taking us high into the Purcell mountain range,over 100 miles from the nearest city. 直升机将把我们 带到珀塞尔山脉之中 距离最近的城市也有100英里之远
Welcome to the big mountains. 欢迎来到雪山