教程:荒野求生  浏览:396  
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    This rope will be a lifeline and ticket to getting out of these mountains. 这根绳子就是我们走出山谷的 生命线和敲门砖

    This is the real deal. This is really happening.Oh, man. 这可是动真格的 上帝

    It's a good way to learn. We've got the vests. 这是学习的捷径 我们已经穿上了救生衣

    Sometimes, it's better just to get thrown into the deep end and go for it, you know? 有时候就是要置之死地 才能后生

    I'm a huge fan of the show,and Bear seems like a pretty down-to-earth guy. 我是这档节目的超级粉丝 贝尔给我的感觉很踏实

    If he has fears, I don't know what they are,because he exudes that confidence. 我不知道他会惧怕什么 因为他全身都散发着一种自信

    For that reason, he's the person I'd want to be. 所以 他是我的榜样

    That is not coming out.You think? 这样就可以卡住了 你确定吗

    I can honestly say that I've never been more terrified in my life. 说实话 我这辈子从来没有这种

    and excited at the same time, so. 恐惧与兴奋交织的感觉

    The fans are nervous,so I'm gonna lower them down together. 两位队员有些紧张 因此我决定把他们一起放下去

    Let's stand up.And lots of confidence with this, guys. 站起来吧 你们一定要相信自己能行

    You know, a man's survival is all about that balance of confidence. 要明白能不能活下来 完全取决于自信平衡度

    You don't want overconfidence. That's dangerous. 不能过于自信 那样很危险

    You don't want underconfidence.You then get tentative and make mistakes. 你不能缺乏自信那样就会犹豫不决并做出错误判断

    Good, steady, positive confidence,confidence in your kit, 好了 沉着冷静 信心十足 相信你的装备

    confidence in me, confidence in each other. 相信我 相信彼此

    Okay, let's put some pressure on the rope, start leaning back. 好了 抓紧绳子开始向后仰

    This is a feeling I've never felt before. 我以前从未有过这样的心情

    I've got you.You got me? You got me, Bear?I've got you. 我抓住了 抓稳了吗 确定吗 贝尔 抓住了

    These guys have never rappelled off anything like this. 这俩人从来没有过像这样悬垂着下山

    It'll give me a vital insight into their strengths and weaknesses. 这能让我清楚地了解到 他们的强项和弱项

    You're leaning backward. Leaning out. That's it. 你要向后仰 探出去 就这样

    Once you've leant back, it'll come easier. 一旦你向后仰了 那就容易多了

    Joe is struggling already. 乔已经在挣扎了

    It looks like heights can be a problem for him. 看来高度对他来说是个问题

    Not like this.This is when it's hard and the rope goes slack. 不要这样 这样很难走而且绳子会松弛

    Hold it like this, right out.But I need him to trust me. 像这样拿着就行了 但是我得让他们相信我

      上一篇:《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第447期:开始上路 下一篇:《荒野求生》之跟着贝尔去冒险第449期:可怕的经历


