Good morning. Good morning.Okay, we're on the mountain, eh? 早上好 早上好 我们到达山上了
So, how was that ride for you guys? 刚才的旅程感觉如何
A little bumpy. A little shaky.How about you, Joe? 有点颠簸 晃得挺厉害 你呢 乔
Well, at 8:00 in the morning,that's the best cup of coffee you could ever have. 早上八点的时候 喝杯咖啡再好不过了
Woke me up.Got a length of rope. 提神醒脑啊 我们手上有一截绳子
And we got a bunch of this from the other rope. 还有另外一小束绳子
We got harnesses. We got carabiners. That is it. 我们有安全吊带 有钩环 仅此而已了
You know, we are minimal, minimal kit. 我们只有很少的装备
The most important thing I can tell you on this journey is this. 本次探险最重要的两项原则是
Trust me and listen to me. 信任和服从
We're starting this mission as individuals, 这项任务是独立开始的
but the guys are about to learn that we're gonna have to work as a team and trust each other 但是两位队员必须明白 想要活着从这片荒野逃生
if we're gonna get out of this wilderness in one piece. 就必须团队协作 互相信任
Okay, guys. The journey begins.Go. 队员们 开始上路 走吧
I'm gonna show these two the skills they nee to survive for 48 hours in this wilderness. d我将告诉这两位队员 在这种环境下生存四十八小时所需的技能
Gusts of wind could blow us off this knife-edged ridge, 狂风随时都有可能将我们
falling 3,000 feet into the valley below,So it's vital we rope up. 吹落到3000英尺的陡峭山脊之中 因此把我们用绳子系在一起很重要
Our first challenge is getting down this 80-foot granite rock face and to the snow gully beneath. 我们的第一个任务 就是经由这块80英尺高的石壁 到那条雪沟下面
I'm gonna scale down a mountain with Bear Grylls. 我将和贝尔·格里尔斯一起爬下山
I mean, life doesn't get any better than that. 我想 这样的生活再好不过了
I mean...that's a story I can tell my grandkids, if I live. 如果我活着 要把这段经历讲给孙子们听