第七十九课 陶工之歌
Turn, turn, my wheel! Turn round and round, without a pause, without a sound; So spins the flying world away!
This clay, well mixed with marl and sand, follows the motion of my hand; For some must follow, and some command, though all are made of clay!
Turn, turn, my wheel! All things must change to something new, to something strange;
Nothing that is can pause or stay; The moon will wax, the moon will wane, the mist and cloud will turn to rain, the rain to mist and cloud again, tomorrow be today.
Turn, turn, my wheel! All life is brief; What now is bud will soon be leaf, what now is leaf will soon decay;
The wind blows east, the wind blows west; The blue eggs in the robin's nest will soon have wings and beak and breast, and flutter and fly away.
Turn, turn, my wheel! This earthen jar, a touch can make, a touch can mar; And shall it to the Potter say, what makest thou? Thou has no hand?
As men who think to understand a world by their creator planned, who wiser is than they.