Ben Sweetland曾经说过,在人们遇到的问题中,有95%来源于消极的心态。如果事实如此,而且你不想遇到更多的问题,那么你就要多想一想好的事,想一想积极的事,想一想那些能帮助我们做出改变的事。
It's your job to reprogram your mind through learning and self-development, so you can find solutions to your problems. And then notice the possibilities and opportunities that have always been lying right in front of your face, but your limited mind had not allowed you to see.
Negativity keeps you blind to opportunities. It keeps you blind to the good in the world. It holds you hostage to your true potential. Negative people will always remain in the prison of their self-imposed limits. Sometimes it's a life sentence, because they've convinced themselves there is no way out. They've convinced themselves it's someone else's fault they are in that prison. Other people are holding them there. But they have the key. You have the key.