Time management is essential to success. Unsuccessful people usually get stressed and overwhelmed when there are too many tasks on their to-do list. Successful people are rarely fazed, they prioritize the big-payoff and most rewarding tasks first, and leave the insignificant ones last, knowing it matters most to do the most valuable tasks first successful people plan in advance, days, weeks, months ahead, knowing clearly what needs to be done to complete their jobs and reach their goals.
6.学会管理时间。 时间管理对成功至关重要。不成功的人,在他们的任务清单上有太多的任务时,他们通常会感到压力和不知所措。成功的人很少会出现这种情况,他们把回报最大的任务放在首位,把最不重要的任务放在最后,知道孰轻孰重。成功的人都是提前几天、几周、几个月制定计划,清楚地知道,想要完成工作和实现目标需要做什么。
7. They Take Risks
If you don’t by a ticket, you can’t win the raffle. If you don’t take big risks you can’t achieve big rewards. Successful people know that there will be times they will need to take risks in order to get where they need to go. Often most people won’t take those same risks for fear of failure, however the greater failure to successful people would be that of regret. Risk going for the life you want, or guarantee living with one you don't want.
7.承担风险。 如果你不买彩票,你就不能中奖。如果你不冒大的风险,你就无法获得大的回报。成功的人知道,有时他们需要冒险才能到达他们需要去的地方。通常,大多数人因为惧怕失败而不敢冒险,但是成功的人最害怕的事情是后悔当初没做。为了你想要的生活去冒险,或者继续安安稳稳过你不喜欢的生活。
8. They Keep Going When They Suffer Failure & Setbacks
We all suffer setbacks. Every single person that attempts to live their dream life will suffers through failure, many of them might even lose everything. Most quit, the successful never quit. They keep going, knowing their greatest character is formed in adversity. Knowing their success story is being written in every moment, and it will be especially good now they have a comeback story.
8.当他们遭遇失败和挫折时,他们会继续前进。 我们都遭受挫折,每一个试图过上梦想生活的人都会遭遇失败,其中许多人甚至会失去一切。大多数人会放弃,成功的人永远不会退出。他们继续前进,知道自己最棒的性格是在逆境中形成的。知道他们的成功故事每时每刻都在书写,现在他们有了一个复出的故事,这将是特别好的。
9. They Find A Way To Win
Successful people FIND A WAY. Period. Whatever life throws their way, they deal with it, dodge it, smash through it, whatever is required they find a way to win. It’s the whatever it takes mentality. It’s the confidence in knowing whatever happens, I will give my all and leave nothing on the table. I WILL FIND A WAY TO WIN!
9.他们总会找到一种方法。 成功的人总会找到办法。无论生活如何改变,他们都会处理它,躲避它,粉碎它,无论需要什么,他们都会找到一种获胜的方法。这是一种全力以赴的心态。他们有信心,无论发生什么事,我会全力以赴,不遗余力。我会想办法赢的!
10. They Do What They Love
If you are not doing what you love, you can’t really claim yourself a success. Spending the majority of your working hours also known as the majority of your life doing things you hate for money is not successful living. It’s torture to the soul. If you need to suffer doing something you don't like to get to a life you love, do that, but do not lose sight of exactly that, your ultimate purpose, find your life purpose think of all the things you love to do more than anything in the world, then brainstorm how you can turn those passions into profit. Doing what you love every day, even if you were taking a big cut it will be worth it, do you love everyday, and you will never work a day in your life.
10.做自己喜欢的事 如果你不做你喜欢的事,你就不能真正地宣称自己是成功的。把大部分的工作时间,也就是你生活中的大部分时间,花在你讨厌的事情上,不是成功的人生,这是对灵魂的折磨。如果你需要忍受做一些你不喜欢的事情,去实现你所爱的生活,去做那些事情,但是不要忽略你的最终目标。找到你的人生目标,想想你最喜欢做的所有事情,然后头脑风暴,你如何能把这些激情转化为利润。每天做你喜欢的事,即使收入降低一些,它也是值得的。每天做你喜欢的事,那么工作就不是负担了。