Good morning, everyone. This is the morning programme on KeKe radio. I'm Juliet. I am hoping we'll spend a wonderful morning.
A saying goes ."An hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening. " yes , dead right! This morning I would like to share a new expression with you . It usually means "I keep secrets well." What's it? Let's listen to a simple situational dialogue first and I'm sure you can find it.
Mike : Who was your big date last night?
Jane : It's secret. I'm not the one to kiss and tell.
Now have you spotted it ? It is "I am not one to kiss and tell." A person says it to indicate he can be trusted. It's like saying in Chinese: 我不是一个背信弃义的人, 或者是我不是一个泄露秘密的人。Here "to kiss and tell" is the main phrase which means "a secret goes around ". 这儿的关键短语是:kiss and tell, 意思是四处传播秘密。
So much for the explanations to this expression.