There's a phrase which asks someone to quiet. It's similar to saying "Please quiet down". What's it? Let's listen to a simple situational dialogue. A : Would you keep it down?
B : Sure. I can turn this music off.
Okay, guys, have you spotted it? It is " keep it down". "Keep" is a factitive verb which means make. "It" refers to something that disturbs someone else and it's used as object. "down" is a adverb which means low and it's used as complement of "it". "Keep it down" is very easy to think of it's meaning if we put it in a situation. 直译是:是它下降。把声音一步步的压下来,那么环境安静多了,不打搅大别人。因此它的意思就是:安静点儿,小声点儿。
We have more phrases to take place of " keep it down. " which are as follows: 1 quiet down For example: He managed to quiet those children down. 他使那些孩子们安静下来。
2 settle down For example:The teacher told the students to settle down and study the text. 教师让学生安静下来学习课文. 3 quiet down For example: She soon quieted down and fell asleep. 她不久就安静下来睡着了。 4 pipe down For example: He shouted at us to pipe down. 他大声叫我们安静下来。
5 silence somebodyFor example: The teacher tried to silence the pupils. 老师设法让学生们安静下来。 6 die downFor example: Please!till the din died down. 后来人们渐渐安静下来。This sentence comes from the famous literature called Gone with the Wind. 7 keep still For example: He began walking jerkily up and down, evidently unable to keep still. 他开始来回走动,不能安静下来。
8 sober down For example: Can you find a way to sober the children down? 你能想法子让孩子们安静下来吗?
Now let's talk about "keep down". "keep down " means "to hide yourself by not standing up straight". 是“蹲下,卧倒, 埋伏,隐藏”的意思。 For example: Keep down ! You must not let anyone see you .蹲下,一定不能让人看见你。We have another phrase: keep somebody down which means " to prevent a person , or a group etc. from expressing themselves freely". 意思是:压制,镇压,控制某人。For example: The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime. 多年来,人们一直受着残暴的压制。We have one more phrase: keep something down which means "to make something stay at a lower level". For example: Keep your voice down, I don't want anyone else to hear. 小声点,我不想让任何人听到。Keep the noise down. 小声点儿。Keep down wages 保持低工资;keep down prices, 保持低物价; keep down the cost of life 保持低生活费用。“Keep something down”has another meaning which is " not to bring something back through mouth from the stomack". 意思是:不呕吐。For example: She's had some water but can't keep any food down. 他喝了点水,但是一吃东西就吐。
And now let's come the dialogue study. Please write down the key phrases while listening to the music. A : Would you keep it down?
B : Sure. I can turn this music off. Now have you done. I think the following phrase should be underlined.
1 keep it down 安静点儿2 turn the music off 关掉音乐【咬文嚼字】
1 Would you keep it down? 翻译:你能安静点吗?
要点:would 是will 的过去式,表示一种婉转的请求,译为:请。
Would it be convenient for you to leave tomorrow? 明天走你方便吗? 例句点拨:这句话中很明显说话者是希望那个人走,可是为了不很明显表露自己的想法,不伤害别人的感情,在此用would 就是话中还有话,就是叫别人明天走。
2 I can turn this music off. 翻译: 我会关掉音乐的。
要点:can 在这里是表示说话者同意对方的要求。在句中因为b 开音乐吵到a了,a 教b安静点,b同意a的要求,把音乐关掉。
Now let's have a dictation. The dialogue will be read three times and you write down what you've heard. Here we go. A : Would you keep it down?
B : Sure. I can turn this music off.
All right, how many have you caught . 【JULIET,你怎么读的和录音的不一样呀?】是的,没错,我的跟录音有很大区别,录音发的音是标准发音,我发的是美国人在日常生活中的真正发音。我们经常听不懂美剧中的句子和美国人说话,问题就在这里了。Now let's look at them one by one.
1 would you [wudju:]
当前一个单词的最后一个字母是d,后一个单词的第一个字母是 j 是, 美国人将其连读为 [dj]
2 keep it down ['ki:bi'daun]
Keep 以爆破音而且是清辅音结尾,it 以原音开头,前面的辅音[t]与后面的原因[i]连读, 就成了[ti],由于清辅音在原音面前可以浊化为浊辅音,因此[ti]就读为[di]. It 是以爆破音[t]结尾, down 是以爆破音[d]开头,前面的爆破音就是去爆破。因此 it down 就读为 [i'daun].整个短语就读为 ['ki:bi'daun],重音在第一和第三个音节。
3 can [k?n]
Can 在肯定句中是弱读的,在否定句中才是重读。
4 music off ['mju:zig?:f]
Music 是以爆破音而且是清辅音结尾,off 以元音开头,前面的辅音[k]与后面的元音连读, 由于清辅音在原音面前可以浊化为浊辅音。
All right, it's time to say goodbye to you . Have a nice day . Thank you for your listening this time , see you next time. 好了,又要和大家暂时在空中告别了,祝您度过一个愉快的一天,感谢您的这次收听,下次再会。
1 Please translate the following sentences into English with different expressions which says "安静下来" in Chinese.
1 等孩子安静下来你再开始上课。
2 孩子们被送上床睡觉后,屋子安静下来了.
3 老师走进教室后,学生们安静下来了。
4 铃声一响,学生们就安静下来了。
5 等所有的人都安静下来时,党支部书记宣布开会。
6 让孩子们安静下来,我都听不见自己讲话了。
7 老师使那吵闹的男孩安静下来。
2 口译下面的对话。
A : 你能小声点吗?
B : 行。我会关掉音乐的。
1 Just wait until the children have settled down before you start your lesson.
2 The house quited down after the children were put to bed. 3 The class sobered down as the teacher came into the room.
4 No sooner had the bell run than the students was holded down .
5 When everybody had died down, the Party branch secretary declared the meeting open.
6 Pipe those children down; I can't hear myself talk.
7 The teacher silenced the noisy boy.