We've learned a short sentence which means "I'm going to say it honestly.' have you remembered? It is : Let's get this out in the open. This morning, I'd like to share a new expression with you whose meaning is similar to it. If you want to know, please listen to the following dialogue.
A : You look very sick today. B : Truth be told. I'm not feeling very good.
It is "Truth be told." we also say it as : Truth be known. Both of them are idioms which are similar to saying "Tell me the truth." or "Speak it candidly." it's used to tell the true facts about a situation when these are not known by others. It's similar to saying in Chinese: 说真的,说实话,老实地说,坦率地说,and so on. Truth be told这个作为习语,是有文法的。它其实是个省略句。The whole sentence is" The truth will be told." 那么在生活中,语言只要能表意准确,越是简练就越好,因此就直接说为“Truth be told.”“Truth be known”也是如此。
Now let's put it into practice. Please translate the following sentences into English. 1 说实话,我有些紧张。2 说实话吧,我为什么不能见她。 Think them for a while and the answers are about to be given later. 1 Truth be told. I'm a little nervous. 2 Truth be known to me. Why can't I see her?
As for pronunciation, "sick today" should be paid attention to. It's pronounced as ['si'd?dei]. Sick 是以爆破音[k]结尾,today是以爆破音[t]开头。生活中我们就知道具有同样本事的人在一起会因为嫉妒而你真我斗,这时只要有一方能退一步,就可海阔天空。在这里,谁退一步呢?这时,前面的那个厉害的爆破音[k]就主动躲开不发音。Today 音标中的[t]在元音前[?]浊化为[d],因此发音为[‘d?dei]
A : You look very sick today. B : Truth be told. I'm not feeling very good.
1 You look very sick. 【翻译】你看上去不太舒服。
【关键词】"Look" means "appear, seem" as a linking verb in this sentence. 译为:看来好像,似乎,显得。 Let's look at it's uses. 作为系动词,后面直接跟名词或是形容词。这两句话中look后面可以加上like, look like,但是这是look就是实义动词了。
Look at the following sentences.That book looks an interesting book. 那好像是本有趣的书。You made me look a complete fool. 你弄得我像是个十足的傻瓜。
"Sick" means "physically or mentally ill". Let's look at it's classical sentence including useful phrases. 人在病的时候就最好请假修身养性,不要为了钱而勉强自己,这样得不偿失,因此做好请假在家好好休息。Peter has been sick off for two weeks. Peter 因病2周没上班了。"Be off sick" means"be away from work because of illness". 因病未上班。Emma has just called in sick. Emma刚才打电话请病假。"Call in sick" means "telephone to say somebody will not be coming to work because he's ill'. 意思是:打电话请病假。Britain's workers went sick for a record number of days. 去年英国工人请病假的天数创下了记录。"Go sick" means "don't go to work because of illness". 因病未上班。如今的医药费实在是太贵了,老百姓都说:不病就是挣了钱。I can't afford to get sick. 我病不起。"Get sick" means "become ill". 是的,大家还是在挣钱养家的时候还是要注意身体,不要把挣来的钱送给医院去了,不划算呀。
【文法】look 在本句中是系动词,做谓语, 后面接形容词sick做表语,very 是程度副词做程度状语,修饰sick。Today做时间状语。
2 Truth be told. 【翻译】说实话,坦率地说。
【关键词】抽象性名词前可以不加冠词,但是truth作为真相,事实,真实情况这个意思来讲,要和定冠词"the"连用才能表达这个意思。It means "the true facts about something rather than the things that have been guessed or invented". Let's look at it's classical sentences including useful phrases. 有些人死得不明不白,那死的可真冤,真相一定要查出来。 We'er determined to get at the truth. 我们决心查出真相。"Get at the truth" means "discover the truth". 查明(找出)真相。现在都是雇佣工了,如果您在的那个单位不好的话,那你就得回家了。The truth of the matter is we cannot afford to keep all the staff on. 实际情况是我们无力继续聘用所有职工。Keep somebody on means "continue employing him and give him payment regularly". 继续雇佣某人。I don't think you tell me the whole truth about what happened. 我认为你并没有把事情的全部真相告诉我。The truth about something意思是关于.....的事实。Here's a set phrase "in truth" which is used to emphasize the true fact about something. It's similar to saying"in fact." 我们在一定的场合最好不要把喜怒哀乐显露于色,人心叵测呀。She laughed and chatted but was, in truth, not having much fun. 虽然他又说又笑,但实际上玩得并不开心。这个人做得好,若是您把您的哀现于颜,那您的敌人就幸灾乐祸了。
3 I'm not feeling very good. 【翻译】我感到不大舒服。
【关键词】"Good" means "healthy or strong".译为:健康的,强健的,健壮的。或许人家叫你去做一件事情,而你没做,可是你说人家没说,人家会气得说你耳朵有毛病,这时你会这样说:Can you speak into my good ear again? 你能对我我这没毛病的耳朵再说一次吗?speak into one’s ear 对着某人的耳朵说话。
"Feel" means "to experience a particular feeling or emotion" as a linking verb. 作为系动词是“觉得,感到,体会到”的意思。有人在受挫折之时,你这样说一句:I know exactly how you feel. 人家会宽慰很多。那句话的意思是:我完全理解你的心情。人在心情不好的时候很容易发脾气而得罪了领导就被开了,这时有人就说了:Luckily I was feeling in a good mood. 幸好当时我情绪好。前不久郁钧剑到桂林演出,唱到一半时,话筒出毛病了,但是他那丰富的舞台经验使他没有焦急而像一个大傻瓜那样站在那儿。换做是我,Standing there on the stage, I felt a complete idiot. 我站在舞台上觉得自己简直就像是个大傻瓜。再过一段时间,就到酷暑了,the heat makes you feel faint. 炎热使你觉得要昏倒了。有的人真是不见棺材不掉泪,he seemed to feel no remorse at all. 他似乎一点儿也不感到懊悔。以上的句子中feel是作为系动词,后面接名词或是形容词,但是都可以改为look like,后面再跟上那些名词或是形容词,但是这时like就是实义动词了。
【文法】feel是系动词,和am not一起构成这个句子的谓语,good 表语,very是程度副词修饰good这个形容词,做程度状语。
Alright, that's enough for now. May you have a nice day. Thank you for your listening. See you next time.