We have a way to say: Hurry up and tell me everything. We can understand that the speaker wants to hear the information quickly. What's it? If you want to get the answer, please listen to the following dialogue.
A : This isn't easy for me to tell you. B : Spit it out. I'm dying to know about it.
It is "Spit it out." spit 是吐的意思,把东西全部吐出来,那么就引申为:把话全部说出来。It's an idiom which is usually used to tell somebody to say something when they seem frightened or unwilling to speak. It's English explanation shows the situations when it's used. 在别人说起某事感到畏惧或是内心不愿说出来,这是你就可以建议对方:spit it out. 有什么话尽管说出来/别隐瞒了,都说出来吧/有话就讲,and so on. 在当今大家都面对着巨大压力的社会,若您心中有不快之事,不妨找个知己倾诉一番,甚至哭诉一番都可以,也可以到大自然中大吼一番,大哭一顿,这样您的心情会好受很多,不要积郁成疾。所以当您的朋友不开心的时候,您不妨说:“You look unhappy. If you got something to say , spit it out.”
Here is an another idiom which includes "spit". It is "spit blood". Wow , it's terrible. 吐血呀。有的人与丈夫吵架时咬牙切齿地吵得个死去活来,被气得吐血。因此“spit blood”的意思就是:怒气冲天,咬牙切齿。
I would like to sent you one more idiom including spit. It is"within the spitting distance of something" or "within the shouting distance of something" , which means "to be very close to something".意思是:离......很近。
Okay, now let's put three of them into practice, creating a situational dialogue with "spit it out""spit blood"and "within the spitting distance". Think it over and the suggestive dialogue is gonna be given later.
A : I sounded you have been having fight after fight with your husband, which makes you look pale and blue and black in your body. What the hell happened?
B : Yeah , I did spat, because..
A : I exactly how you feel. As far as I am concerned, you'd better spit it out to me as your best friend so that you can blow of some steam. B : I think so. My husband is always sitting within the spitting distance of his firs wife at every party. A : So does my present husband. We are those who have the same illnessA : 听来好像你和你丈夫最近一直打个不停,你瞧,你现在气色不佳,而且身上青一块紫一块的。究竟发生了什么事儿?
B : 我简直急疯了,因为......
A : 我很理解你的心情。就我看来,你最好还是把所有的事情说出来,我又是你的做好的朋友,这样你可以给心灵释放些压力。
B : 我知道。 我的丈夫在每次派对上都和他的前妻做得很近。
A : 我现在的丈夫也是。哎,我们是同命相连呀。