We learned how to express telling someone honestly recently. Now can you blurt them out. To begin with we'll have a summary and review this morning.
1 Truth be told.
2 Give it to me straight.
3 Tell , straight up.
4 I'll give it to you straight up from the shoulder.
5 I'll level with you.
6 What does your heart tell you?
7 I'll be honest with you.
8 You have to got to come clean with me.
9 Put your cards on the table. Lay your cards on the table.
10 Out with it.
11 Just come out and say it.
12 Lay your cards on the table.
13 Spit it out.
However , there are a little differences among them when used and they aren't exactly same. So they need to carefully differentiate.
Okay. Have you experienced that you are so frighted that you can't tell lies when your parent or your teacher asked you to look in his eye? To be honest with you, I have. So this morning I would like to share a short sentence including eye to ask you to have got to come clean about something. What's it? Let get it while listening to the dialogue.
Jach : Come on, Tracy. Jenny and I are just friends.
Tracy : Look me in the eyes and tell me nothing happened when you went to her house.
It is "Look me in the eye and tell me something." 看着我的眼睛跟我说......。Some people think if a person looks them in the eye they won't lie and they are truthful to tell the facts.
As a matter of a fact, Mary doesn't break up with John who is very poor but he has a kind heart. However, Mary claims that she hasn't been in love with anyone else to Mike. Mike always feels there is something wrong in it. So he asked Mary one day: Dear, please look me in the eye and put your cards on the table. What you said is true because I don't want to put me into trouble because of triangle love, you know? (亲爱的,请看着我的眼睛坦白地告诉我你所说的是真的。因为我不想因为三角恋爱而惹出麻烦之事。) Between two stools one goes the ground. (常言道:脚踩两只船,早晚要落水。) So here I appreciate what Mike behaves like, which we shouldn't sit on two chairs so as not to ask for trouble ourselves. 一个人脚踩两只船,有时会闹出人命来的。
下面的这句话,You are gonna have goose lumps probably. Let's listen to it: If you can look me in the eyes and tell me that we kissed , you feel nothing, then I'll just go. (如果你看着我的眼睛告诉我我们接吻是你没有任何感觉,我就放手。It is the a lover's heart-to-heart word to his girlfriend. We are on the same page, I think.Unwillingness cannot produce desired results. 俗话说:强扭的瓜不甜。如果您觉得跟对方是很勉强跟您在一起的,就趁早止步,否则回落得个进监狱的悲剧,那您的一生都完了。
We can often hear in TV series or movies——我对天发誓我没有做这件事儿,我要是撒谎,我就遭天打雷劈,死无葬身之地。现在这个人麻烦了,警方对她说:We are going to be playing you under arrest for murder. Is there anything you want to say? (我们将以谋杀罪逮捕你,你还有什么要说的吗?)可怜天下父母心啊,这个人的父母一直在极力找人为自己的孩子辩护,但是也在家中严肃地问他:Look me in the eye and you swear to the God that you didn't kill anybody. (你跟我看着我的眼睛想上天发誓你没有杀过任何人。)Alright, that's enough for now. We'll keep on with this lesson tomorrow morning. Thank you for your listening this time. See you next time. 非常感谢您的收听,再会。