We learned a sentence pattern which is : S + 表示建议,提议的动词+ that + S should do. 表示说话者建议,提议某人做某事。其中,that 和 should 可以省略。
1 我建议他请教律师。
I suggest he consult a lawyer.
I would suggest that you stay a few more days in Suzhou.
3 我劝你继续学下去,因为在我们学校对教师来说,德语是一门很重要的学问。
I advise that you keep learning Gernam, for German is a valuable accomplishment to teachers at our university . 4 总而言之,他劝我跟他们妥协。
Upon the whole, he would advise that I should make it up with them. 5 我们是否应该组织这类活动,请提出建议。
Please advise us whether we should have such activities. 6 我建议不要谈及後来发生的那些骇人听闻的事.
I propose we draw a veil over the appalling events that followed.
7 我们建议按自己的爱好布置自己的房子。
We propose that we should furnish our own house according to our own taste.