我们来看第一题,要求是根据中文意思完成下面的句子。首先来看第一小题。中文是 —— 在开始的几天里,虽然我起床时感到筋疲力尽,但我还是不得不早起,我在中国的时候习惯了晚睡晚起。请大家看下面的题目。 During the days, I became although I was very as a , up early in the morning. I be a in China.
这道题有12个要填写的空格,答案依次如下:first, several, an,early,bird,tired,dog,used,to,night,owl。完整句子即:During the first several days, I became an early bird although I was very tired as a dog, getting up early in the morning. I used to be a night owl in China.
第一、这句话中的比喻的修饰方法使用了3次。第一个文学中比喻的修饰方法体现在句中become后面需要填写的an early bird。第二个体现在句中although I was every后要填写的tired和as a后要填写的dog。第三个体现在句中的be a后面要填写的night owl。
An early bird,一只早起的鸟。这里用一只早起的鸟来比喻起床起得早的人。有句谚语:“The early bird catches the worm.” "The early bird catches the worm." means "a person who arrives early will be successful". 中文意思:早行动早成功;捷足先登。我们来看一个对话。
A: My brother started investing money when he was 16 years old. B: The early bird catches the worm. A:我的哥哥16岁就知道投资了!
Tired as a dog,像狗一样累。这里用来比喻一个人精疲力尽,极其劳累的状况。它是exhausted的意思。西方人看中狗的忠诚,喜爱它,赞美它,常把它比喻做人。英语中关于狗的习语还有很多。例如:a lucky dog意为“幸运儿”,a clever dog意为“聪明的小孩,伶俐的小孩”。我们来看一个对话。
A: The bracelet is so well suited to you. It looks very nice. B: Yeah, I cherish it. Because I have been working like a dog for two months to buy it. A: 这手镯戴在你手上真合适,看起来很漂亮。
B: 是的,我很珍惜,因为我努力工作了两个月攒钱买的。
A night owl,意为猫头鹰。这里用猫头鹰来比喻晚睡,熬夜的人。
第二、 两个要掌握的表述法:一个是“开始的几天”的表述法是the first several days。我们来看一个例句:During the first several days there, physician, family, friends and co-workers all told him that he would be better soon, and would be able to return home and return to work. 头几天,大夫、家人、朋友和同事都告诉他不久以后他会康复,出院回家。第二个是“过去经常”“过去习惯于”的表述法是used to。He used to be the house doctor of Elizabeth Hospital. 他曾经是伊丽莎白医院的住院医生。
第三、语法上,这句话使用现在分词短语做时间状语,体现在第一个逗号后需要填写getting。Getting up early in the morning在这句话中意思是当我早起的时候。相当于when I got up early in the morning. 我们再来看一个例句:I run up against my old friend, hanging out in the street. 我在街上逗留的时候遇到了我的故友。