We've learned how subjunctive is used in a complex sentence including an objective clause recently. And first of all let's have a summary and review this morning.
I 虚拟语气在wish后面的宾语从句的使用,the sentence patterns are as follows:
① S wish ( that ) S was ( were ) . ② S wish ( that ) S did.
③ S wish ( that ) S had done. ④ S wish ( that ) S would do.
⑤ S wish ( that ) S could do.
II 虚拟语气在would rather, would sooner 后面的宾语从句中的使用,the sentence patterns are below:
① S would rather ( that ) S did. ② S would rather ( that ) S had done. ③ S would sooner ( that ) S did.
④S would sooner ( that ) S had done.
III 虚拟语气在某些动词后的宾语从句中的使用,其中一些动词可以看这样记忆:一个“坚持”(insist), 两个“命令”(order, command,),三个“建议”(suggest, advise, propose), 五个“要求”(demand, require, request, ask,urge)。
除此之外,还有表“心愿”的desire, 表“决定”的decide,vote, 表“规定”的 decree, 表“打算”的intend, 表“恳求”的petition,表“推荐”的recommend。对于以上动词,我们就要死记硬背了。
As for the above verbs, the sentence patterns when using subjunctive are all the same : S + 动词+ (that)S (should)do.
IIII 虚拟语气在suppose 后面的宾语从句中的使用,the sentence pattern are:
① S suppose ( that ) S did. ② S suppose ( that ) S had done.
备注:(that)这个表示这个词可以在句子中省略,还有(should)。S 是subject这个单词的缩写形式,意思是:主语。