This morning I am about to continue being out with the answers to the translation exercises in 86th periodical morning class and today's morning class will give you an unexpected and surprised harvest. 今天我将继续畅谈在第86期中的习题答案,但是今天您会有意想不到的惊奇的收获。那么,就马上进入Juliet的早间课堂教室吧。
It is strange that he fall in love with such a snobbish girl.
[陷阱提示] that he fall in love with such a snobbish girl这个主语从句中的fall为什么用这个动词的原形呢?主语是第三人称单数,而且主句也是一般现在是呀,原因请参见第87期中【习题1】的[陷阱提示]详解。
[单词详解] snobbish [?sn?bi?] 这个词的英式发英和美式发音区别很大,美式发音为[?sna:bi?]。此外这个词还有个非正式写法是:snobby [?sn?bi? 。{ 中英双解} It means " feeling that you are more intelligent than other people ". 译为:自命不凡的,高傲的。{例句}She is too snobbish as she works very hard and her grades are excellent,which makes her not to make friends with anyone in her class. 由于她学习非常努力,成绩格外优秀,所以她非常地高傲,这使得她不愿意和班上任何人交朋友。
{视野拓展}However, another meaning of this word is much more widely used. 但是这个词的另一个意思更为用得广泛。What's it? It means " thinking that having a high social class is important". 译为:势力的。我们来看英国名著一下《简.爱》中的一句话:Jane feels she can never compete with these snobbish, elegant people. 简·爱感到她永远无法同这些高雅却势利的人们竞争。想必大家都读过我们中国现代文学《围城》,其中有一句是:“文纨道:“我就不信老同学会那么势利!” 翻译则是:Wen-wan said, "I can't believe old classmates could be that snobbish."{例句} 下面的句子非常有趣,它们是一些例句,但是我把它们组合成了一个小短文,可以说是一个Topic Discussion for Snobbishness】。
As for snobbish, some people maybe say, " One shouldn't be too snobbish as snobs [sn?b](1.(谄上傲下的)势利小人)(2.自高自大者, 自命不凡者)are be hated by all people." Some people probably say, "A snobbish little rascal [?rɑ:sk?l ] (1.流氓, 无赖)(2.(开玩笑说法)淘气的人(尤指小孩), 恶作剧的人), only values clothes and not the man himself. ." Nevertheless, some would say, " If you don't play a part of a snob, you would always live in poverty and not enjoy a noble life." What do you think about snobbishness? I think, I cannot say it is right or wrong as a snob because everything has one more face. It is fine just that we can hold a sense of propriety [pr??prai?ti] well.
[短语详析] fall in love 坠入情网, 谈恋爱。那么要说与某人谈恋爱在短语的后面加上介词with, 即是: fall in love with,那么be in love with 意思是:与某人在热恋中。这两个短语的区别请参见第86期的习题1中的go bankrupt短语的详细解释。
说道love,英语中有含蓄的爱情表达法,美国人尽管喊了多少年的性开放,但很多美国人在谈情说爱方面, 仍然喜欢采用一些含蓄保守的词句或语句,表现文明和礼貌。Juliet今天了,就用这些表示含蓄保守的词语和语句来说说我的恋爱的故事吧。
1 have a ( big )crush onI had big crush on my political teacher when I were at middle school.
2 feel an instant magnetism [?m?gnitiz?m]
I felt an instant magnetism and my heart beat very fast when my eyes met my teacher's eyes.
当我的眼光我和我政治老师的眼光相遇时,我就感到一种磁性般的吸住. 心跳得特别得快。It is natural.当您处于少男少女青春萌动期的时候,这是很正常的。
3 catch one's eyeI had many outstanding gifts, good-looking and I did well in my study so I caught my political teacher's eye too.
4 have the hots for somebody & be attracted to each otherI couldn't say I had the hots for my teacher first or he did it first, maybe we were attracted to each other at that time.
5 hit it offAfter my graduation from university, my mother introduced a handsome and rich man to me, but we didn't seem to hit it off. The reason is that I couldn't forget my teacher , perhaps that was my first love in my life which was not easily forgotten.
好了,Juliet的恋爱故事讲完了,大家记住所讲的片语吗?我们来总结一下: 1 have a ( big )crush on 2 feel an instant magnetism 3 catch one's eye4 have the hots for somebody 5 be attracted to each other6 hit it off 上面提到的片语都是描写男女间互相倾慕,两情相悦,有吸引力或一见锺情。