In English, we have many ways to express it, such as: feel oneself inferior, self-abased , unduly humble oneself, belittle oneself a lot, underestimate one's own capabilities. However , we have a colourful idiom to express it. So, what's it? 那么现在就进入我们新的一课的学习:Lesson Fourteen How to say “妄自菲薄”in real American English.
朋友们,您准备好了吗?我们课堂详解开始了。Let's listen to a dialogue to get that idiom.
A : None of the company agreed to employ me. Maybe it is my problem. B : You should be confident, honey. Don't sell yourself short.
对话中None of the company agreed to employ me. 没有一家公司同意雇佣我。Maybe it is my problem. 或许真的是我的问题了。You should be confident, honey. 亲爱的,你应该自信点。Don't sell yourself short. 不要小看自己。
说到这里,想必大家都知道了“妄自菲薄”的说法是:sell oneself short. 这个习语的关键点在于sell short这个短语。为何“sell short”有“not to value something or somebody highly enough and show it by the way you treat it or present yourself”的意思呢?这个我们就要谈到美国的文化。
Sell short最初使用股市中。在在股市趋势“走上”的时候投资者就卖,而在股市趋势走下的时候中,投资者就卖,这样即可盈利。Sell for在股市中就是“卖空”的意思。Let's look at the following example sentences. 1 His father warned him not sell short in these days when the prices are rising. 他的父亲警告他在价格上涨的这几天不要卖空。2 We won't sell short to make our fortune. 我们不靠卖空来发财。
Firstly,我们学了如何用地道美语表示中文成语“妄自菲薄”的意思。它是:sell oneself short。Secondly,我们了解了sell short的引申义的由来,它跟股市有关。
Please translate the following sentences into English with "sell oneself short".
1 别低估自己,仔细/认真好好跟他谈谈.
2 别小看自己的能力.但也别定出一个遥不可及的目标。
3 不要妄自菲薄,你很聪明的。
4 凯特:我可不会低估你,迈克。你可比马能干多了。
1 Don't sell yourself short. Talk turkey with him.
2 Never sell yourself short, but do not set a task for yourself which is utterly ridiculous.
3 Don't sell yourself short, you're very smart.
4 KITT:I would not sell yourself short, Michael. You are much more than a horse.