今天我们来看第6题。中文是我不感到精疲力尽,我猜我有点像夜猫子。请大家看下面的题目。I'm not . I guess I'm a night owl. 这道题有5个空,要填写的单词依次如下: worn,out,and,kind,of。完整句子为: I'm not worn out. And I guess I'm kind of a night owl.
第一、短语的活学活用体现在句中I'm not后面填写的worn out。 Worn out是exhausted(疲惫不堪的;筋疲力尽;筋疲力竭的;疲乏极了)的意思。Worn out是一个形容词性短语,其中的worn是wear (使疲乏,使筋疲力尽;折磨) 的过去分词,out是副词,有“到底”“完全地”的意思。 例句1:She's worn out after a long hard day. 累了整整一天,她筋疲力尽了。例句2: She dropped into a chair, utterly worn out. 她一屁股坐到椅子里,筋疲力尽了。注解:1. Drop into a chair是一屁股坐在凳子上的意思。它表示一个人很累了,支撑不住了。2. Utterly worn out是过去分词短语做伴随状况状语,非判断为形容词性短语。
1. dead beatAfter a day of working, I'm dead beat. 工作了一天,我精疲力尽了。
2. fagged out A few runners fagged out at the end of the course.
3. done upHe was done up after the long trip.
4. completely run-down We're completely run-down and need a thorough rest.
5.totally spent /absolutely shatteredHe was totally spent when he got to the top of the hill. 他登上山顶时已精疲力尽。
6. tired outThe daily stress of her work makes her tired out. 她日常工作的压力使她精疲力尽。
7. that bone-tiredI was that bone-tired, after working for scores of hours. 工作了十几个小时候,我累的精疲力尽。
Worn out除了有spirit and strength totally used up(精神和力气用完)的意思,还有“耗尽的”意思。例句1:My coat was worn out so I had to buy a new one. 我的上衣穿破了,所以我得另买一件。例句2:You'd better buy a new jacket; yours looks almost worn out. 你最好买件新的夹克,你的夹克看起来几乎要磨破了。我们说“陈词滥调”,也可以用worn out。例如:These phrases were worn out ten years ago. 这些词语十年前就是陈词滥调了。
第二、第二个考点就是根据上下文体会连词在句中的作用体现在第一个简单句后和第二个简单句之间填写的and这个连词。这是一个难点。我们要注意写作中句子与句子之间和段落和段落之间是如何衔接的。那么I'm not worn out.和I guess I'm kind of a night owl.要有机地连接起来,可以用and,and在这里就起到“承上启下”的作用。那么有的人把这个2个简单句看成是因果关系,那么如果是这样看待的话,第一个简单句后面的标点符号就不能是“句号”,而应该用“逗号”。