首先,let's have a review。我们来回顾在本课中第一、二、三讲中讲到的表示“玩得非常愉快”的说法。说起来可以分为两大类,第一类是非正式用语,第二类是正式用语。我们要表述“玩得非常愉快”,非正式用语有四个:have a blast,have a ball,have oneself a ball,have a way cool time。正式书面用语有:have a (wonderful,great,a whale of,ect.) time,enjoy oneself (or sth) a lot,have much (a lot of,lots of ,a bundle of ,ect. )fun,get a bang out of sth(or doing sth)。
All my dear listeners, listen carefully——We had a blast at the amusement park. We stayed there all day and night. ——We had a blast at the amusement park. We stayed there all day and night. 亲爱的听众朋友,您听出来了同样的一句话第一次和第二次在发音上有什么细微的差别吗?下面Juliet就和大家一同探来探个究竟。
说了要点和难点后,我再回放一遍,您在仔细地听。We had a blast at the amusement park. We stayed there all day and night. ——We had a blast 'it the amusement park. We stayed there all day 'd night. 好,那么现在亲爱的听众朋友,您听出来了同一个句子它的标准发音和在俚语中的实际发音的细微差别了吗?这回没听出也没关系,但是要不停地听,反复地听,您一定会有收获,您在听力上会有非常大的突破。