教程:英语早间课堂  浏览:435  
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    我们和人交往,常用到嘴巴说话,用言语和别人进行交流、沟通。如果只是和我们上回提到的“点头之交”的人聊天就只是说些寒暄之言,说些不涉及对方隐私或一些敏感性的话。那么,即使不是点头之交的人,在一起也熟悉一段时间了,可是还未达到亲密无间的程度,我们就不会把内心的酸甜苦辣或是深层次不同于他人的思想和别人进行倾诉或交流,只是闲扯随聊些东西。那么,今天我要抛出的说“人际交往”中,“Interpersonal Communication”中的“闲扯,随聊”。是什么呢?


    例句-1:On Friday nights I usually go to a movie. But it was raining so hard last night I just stay in the dorm to sit around and shoot the breeze with a couple of friends.

    例句-2:Joe, do you want to come along to meet Mike and Bob at the coffee shop? We can shoot the breeze for an hour or two about that great basketball game last night and relax before we have to study for that big test in economics tomorrow.

    接招:在我们刚才听到的2个例句中,我们都可以听到同一个词语:shoot the breeze。短语中shoot(It is spelled as s-h-o-o-t.)是“射击”的意思,breeze(It is spelled as b-r-e-e-z-e.)是"微风"的意思。Shoot the breeze字面意思是射击微风,当然不是这个意思。作为习惯用语,它的意思是“to chat casually and without purpose or talk in a relaxed way about things that are not important”,意思是闲聊,随聊——指的是闲来没事谈天说地打发时间。要表示闲聊的内容则在短语的后面加上介词about,即:shoot the breeze about something。


    1. On Friday nights I usually go to a movie. But it was raining so hard last night I just stay in the dorm to sit around and shoot the breeze with a couple of friends.


    注解1:on Friday nights:在星期五晚上 (注意night后面的小尾巴s,不要遗忘了,因为句子中是指经常在星期五的晚上)

    注解2:go to a movie:看电影 同意表达有很多,例如:go to the picture,go to the cinema,see a movie,and so on。

    注解:sit around意思是“做着没事干”“呆坐着无所事事”。我们来看下面的2个例句:

    Eg . You're not paid to sit around doing nothing!


    Eg . Why should you sit around being lazy all day while I am stuck in here, working my fingers to the bone?

    我守在这里拼命干活,为什么你该整天闲坐着无所事事呢?(stuck in:忙碌的,专心致志的 work one's fingers to the bone:长时间的辛苦劳作)

    注解4:a couple of:几个。

    2. Joe, do you want to come along to meet Mike and Bob at the coffee shop? We can shoot the breeze for an hour or two about that great basketball game last night and relax before we have to study for that big test in economics tomorrow.


    注解1:come along在本句中是“一道来、一起来”的意思。再如:I hope you'll come along with us on Chinese representation. 我希望你们在中国代表权问题上跟我们共同行动。其他意思如下:出现,发生,进步,进展,(表述催促)快点儿。

    注解2: shoot the breeze for some time about something:闲聊什么东西聊多久(注意闲聊的时长发在闲聊的事情的前面)

    注解3:test in:某科目的考试 study for the test:复习


    Say, Bill, how about coming back to my room after class? I'll get a couple of cold sodas and we'll shoot the breeze for a while.喂,Bill,上完课你到我宿舍去吧。我去买两瓶汽水,咱们聊回儿天,你看如何?

    He used to come in and do nothing but shoot the breeze for forty minutes.


    Mary likes to shoot the breeze on the phone.


    Hank and his pals spend a lot of time drinking beer, shooting the breeze, and thinking about girls.


    好,亲爱的朋友们,我们今天的这招说Interpersonal Communication,今天的这招说“人际交往”——shoot the breeze。我们在人际交往中和别人闲聊,随聊。这种闲聊随聊指没事打发消磨时间的聊天。下回您将接到的招跟今天的招的意思一模一样,只是出现的时间不一样。那么,是什么呢?敬请关注下期节目。好,朋友们,我们下期再见。

      上一篇:英语早间课堂:教您一招说人际交往(1) 下一篇:英语早间课堂:教您一招说人际交往(3)


