中国人的就餐礼仪很多,其中有一点就是用餐时须温文而雅,从容安静,不能急躁,必须小口进食,不要大口地塞。那么“狼吞虎咽“地吃东西正是与之相违背的。狼吞虎咽不但对胃不好,影响着我们的身体健康,而且还给人留下粗鲁的印象,觉得没规距没教养。前期节目中我们讲述了make a pig of oneself,是狼吞虎咽之意。在今天Juliet再说一个描述“狼吞虎咽”吃东西的词语,从而使我们更加注意我们的就餐礼仪。是什么呢?我们还是从下面的句子中寻求答案。
例句-1:I don't mind your eating like a horse, son, but you mustn't eat like a hog.
例句-2:It's easy to see why Mr. Smith looks like a hog. He eats like a hog.
在我们听到的2个例句中都可以听到同一个词语:eat like a hog。这是一条动词性习惯用语。短语中的hog,it is spelled,h-o-g,意思是肥公猪。Eat like a hog的字面意思是像肥公猪一样地吃东西,比喻吃得又多又快而且带有声音,令旁人感觉到不文雅。其英文解释是这样的:to eat a lot, or to eat noisily and unpleasantly。
我们现在知道了关键词语eat like a hog的意思,我们就来看看刚才听到的2个例句的意思。
例句-1:I don't mind youreating like a horse, son, but you mustn'teat like a hog.
注解:eat like a horse:吃得很多
例句-2:It's easy to see why Mr. Smith looks like a hog. Heeats like a hog.
从这2句话中,我们可以体会出eat like a hog是个贬义词语,所以当别人吃得很多的时候我们就要看我们与对方之间的关系亲密程度来慎用这个词语,它和make a pig of oneself使用的注意事项是一样的。
Eg.Christine is one of those lucky people who caneats like a pig andstill stay thin.
Eg.When I was young I coulddrink like a fish and eat like a hog.
注解:drink like a fish:喝酒喝得很多 drink like a fish and eat like a pig:臭吃臭喝
Eg.Some people can drink like a fish and handle it.1.jpg
Eg.I would not love you togo afterWilkes whoeats like a hog!
注解:go after:追逐,追求
Eg.I don't go after fame or money.我不追名逐利。
Eg.Dreams are something for us to go after and work for.
Eg.The childrenate like a hogandrushed outto play.
好,亲爱的朋友们,我们今天的这招说吃:eat like a hog,意为狼吞虎咽,和make a pig of oneself同意,而且用法一样,我想这样联想记忆的话,很快就记住了而且记得很牢。
Remember we had better not eat like a hog, which is both rude and bad for your stomach. All right, thank you for your listing this time and see you next time!