Excuse me. I'm looking for a classroom - F205.不好意思。我在找F205教室。Is it in Building F?教室是在F号楼吗?Yes. But it's not on the second floor.恩,但不在二楼。It's on the first floor.教室在一楼。OK. Thank you.好的。谢谢你。By the way, I haven't seen you around.顺便说一句,我没有见过你啊。Are you a new student?你是新生吗?Yes, I'm from China.是的,我来自中国。Wow, you don't seem to have much of an accent.哇,你不太有口音。Well, I studied in America for one year.我在美国学习过一年。That was quite an experience.那绝对是一份难得的经历。Yes, it was.恩,是的。I've got to catch a class, so I have to go.我得去上课了,所以我得走了。But thank you very much for your help.但十分感谢你的帮助。