Take me to the Seventh Street, please.请带我去七号大街。OK. Good thing you called me.好的。幸好您叫我了。I almost passed you.我差点就开过了。Now I’m headed for work.我正赶去上班。What kind of work do you do, sir?您是做什么工作的呢先生?I’m a fire fighter.我是消防员。Wow, that’s a great job.哇,这工作很棒。It is a great job.这工作的确不错。But my family doesn’t like it.但我家人不喜欢。They are worried about me.他们很担心我。They hope I could change my job.他们希望我换一份工作。I can understand that.我能理解。What would you like to do then?那接下去想做什么呢?I don’t know. Maybe drive a taxi.不知道。或许开出租。I’d love to do what you do.我想从事你的工作。Really? Why?真的吗?为什么?I’d love to talk to new people every day.我喜欢每天跟不同的人聊天。Then a taxi driver is a perfect job for you.那开出租再合适你不过了。Oh, here we are.哦,我们到了。Thanks for the ride. Take care! 谢谢你把我带到这里。保重!