主播:翩翩 | 以宁
01. 拖延症procrastination
procrastination/prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 拖延
procrastinate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/ v. 拖延
Why do some of us procrastinate?为什么我们中有的人喜欢拖延呢?(用法太正式)
How do we usually put it? 平时怎么说呢?
put off/leave things until the last minute把事情拖到最后一刻
put off/leave things until tomorrow把事情拖到明天
sit on sth. 拖延
sleep on把事情留待第二天解决
02. 熬夜stay up late
stay up late 熬夜
错误说法×sleep late/ sleep in
而sleep late或sleep in,表示“睡懒觉,睡过头”。
burn the midnight oil开夜车
如:He was burning the midnight oil to finish his project.
希望大家都能做早起的人(morning person或early bird),不要做晚睡的人(night person或night owl),因为熬夜相当于“慢性自杀”(slow suicide /ˈsuːɪsaɪd/)。
03. 久坐sedentary
sedentary /ˈsednteri/ adj. 习惯久坐不动的
a sedentary lifestyle 久坐的生活习惯
Don’t live in a sedentary lifestyle. 不要久坐。
04.跷二郎腿leg crossing
leg crossing n.
cross one's legs(cross v. 交叉)
*cross one’s fingers (交叉手指)祝福,祈祷
cross-legged adj. 翘着腿的;盘着腿的
05. 吸烟酗酒smoking and drinking
smoke 吸烟
alcoholic /ˌælkəˈhɑːlɪk/ n. 酗酒者
Don’t smoke. Don’t be an alcoholic.
06. 上厕所看手机 use your phone while on the toilet
toilet /ˈtɔɪlət/ n. 马桶
当然,read books while on the toilet也不是个好习惯哦。
07. 起床太猛get up too fast
对于老年人,尤其是心脑血管不太好的人,如果get up too fast,容易出事情。
So, don’t get up too fast.
08. 走路/开车看手机Look at the phone while walking/ driving.
安全第一,所以我们要pay huge attention(/əˈtenʃn/ 注意力)。
You can never put too much emphasis on this.安全问题怎么强调都不为过。
*emphasis /ˈemfəsɪs/ n.重要性
09. 抠耳朵,抠鼻子pickone'sear/ nose
抠鼻子pickone's nose
10.饮食方面坏习惯合集Bad Eating Habits
不吃早餐。Skip breakfast.
吃饭不及时。 Not eating meals in time.
吃饭太快。 Eat too fast.
吃烫的食物。Eat hot food.
晚上吃太多。 Eat too much at night.(容易积食indigestion /ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən/)
吃烂水果。 Eat rotten fruit.
空腹喝茶。Drink tea on an empty stomach.
以饮料代替水。To drink drinks instead of drinking water.
喝啤酒,吃海鲜。 Drink beer and eat seafood.(容易引起痛风gout /ɡaʊt/ )
叫外卖。 To order takeout / takeaway.(外卖员delivery person)
口味重。Have a strong taste.
喜欢吃油炸食品。Prefer to fried food.
喜欢高盐高糖食物。 Prefer to high salt foods and high sugar foods.