很多小伙伴背了很多英语单词,却还是听不懂外国人的对话,很大一部分原因是我们学的是书面用语,而对方说的是一些约定俗成的习语俗语,所以如果我们想要提升自己的口语水平,还是要注意英语俗语的积累。以下是听力课堂小编整理的英语俗语:hit the ceiling/roof的资料,希望你能有所收获!
hit the ceiling/roof不管是ceiling(天花板)还是roof(屋顶),在通常情况下人的手是碰不到的,要能够hit the ceiling/roof (打到天花板/屋顶),非要跳起来不可,而且要跳得很高才行。这不禁使我们想起了“暴跳如雷”这一说法,不错,hit the ceiling和暴跳如雷的确是同一个意思,是一个勃然大怒的人才会做的动作:
When Mary came home at two o’clock in the morning, her father hit the ceiling.
My father always hits the roof when I come home with an “F”, but he never does anything to help me or even give me some advice.
He hits the ceiling at the mere mention of his unsuccessful love affair with Emily.
以上就是英语俗语:hit the ceiling/roof的全部资料,还等什么,赶快练起来吧!