中小学英语诵读名篇63 If by Life You were Deceived 假如生活欺骗了你
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    63 If by Life You were Deceived 假如生活欺骗了你

    If by life you were deceived,

    Don’t be dismal, don’t be wild!

    In the day of grief, be mild?

    Merry days will come, believe.

    Heart is living in tomorrow;

    Present is dejected here;

    In a moment, passes sorrow;

    That which passes will be dear.

    ﹝俄﹞普希金(Alexander Puskin)

      上一篇:中小学英语诵读名篇62 The Panther 豹 子 下一篇:中小学英语诵读名篇64 Song of the Wave 波涛之歌(节选)

