FT东京分社社长罗宾·哈丁(Robin Harding)从身边小事说起,探讨东京房价不涨的奥秘东京大学石川教授用了40年,就为了发明一款能够永远在“石头剪刀布”游戏中战胜人类的机器手臂,这得益于它的高速图像处理器。同样,本田公司的ASIMO可以单脚跳跃,这款现在用于娱乐的机器人已经走向成熟。
1 石川教授的新发明
25 years ago, Professor Ishikawa started to work on what is currently the world's fastest high-speed image processor.15 years ago, he started to research on the world's fastest actuator.
At the moment, the hand looks innocent enough.It plays the classic game of rock, scissors, paper, or Jan Ken Pon as it's known in Japan.But Ishikawa's creation has a dark secret.It cheats, and it cannot lose.
The image processor tracks your hand's movement more quickly than the human eye can register.Before you even know that has happened, it sees what sign you have made and sends the winning move to the actuator.
2 新技术的应用前景
What matters is not the game, but what the technology behind it could ultimately be used for.重要的并不是游戏本身,而是游戏背后的科技最终可能取得何种应用。
Ishikawa said his sensors would come very handy on a self-driving car, in a high speed manufacturing plant or even for sports television.But others, especially those are involved in military innovation see even more potential.
Ishikawa is against this, and so for the last 70 years have been most of Japan's state universities.But across town, at Japan's Defense Ministry, momentum and Abe government's policy is building towards a change.
The robots Japan rolls out are impressive, cute and fun.Honda and his rivals have spent millions and they've caught the public imagination.Now finally the technology is making its way into the daily life of the ordinary people.
3 用于军事的潜在可能
Every day, Professor Ishikawa receives hundreds of e-mails from company around the world interested in the potential commercial applications for his technology.He also told us that at the end of an international conference, he was approached by people who were interested in the potential military applications for his technology
Tokyo University has placed a ban for 70 years on its professors engaging in researches that could lead to military applications, but there are people who want that to change.
The robot we watch today that can beat me every time at rock, scissors, paper, could be one day be seen at the battle field.
现在这个能够在每次猜拳游戏中都打败我的机器人, 未来可能会有一天出现在战场上。
The image processor tracks your hand's movement more quickly than the human eye can register.Before you even know that has happened, it sees what sign you have made and sends the winning move to the actuator.