10 如何写一条过目不忘的英文slogan?
Many of us will have been taught two things about verbs.The first is old-fashioned grammatical advice: every sentence must have a main verb.Is that true? Not exactly.At least informally, many short sentences go without.You would be hard pushed to make the case that “Drat!” is a sentence and that “Rats!” is not.It is true, though, that almost all sentences have a main verb — and that arguing at the margins about whether something is a sentence or a fragment is a game for scholars.
The second piece of advice about verbs is stylistic: it is that they are “action-words” and that they give any sentence its electric jolt of energy.Any number of style guides enjoin you to use “strong” and “vigorous” verbs, to avoid “weak” passive constructions and to beware turning verbs into nouns.
As always, this is too categorical.But there is something to it.If you turn your verb into a noun, you need to find another verb to take its place — and you will often end up with muddy sentences where a weak main verb is buried in the middle:
“The prompt implementation of the reconstruction programme is crucial to value-building going forwards.”
There is nothing like the chilly wind of the market for sorting out grammar.If you look at the most memorable advertising slogans, it is striking how many are verb-first.“Just do it.” “Think different.” “I'm lovin' it.” “Got milk?” “Melts in your mouth …” “Tastes so good …” “Enjoy …”
市场营销中舞文弄墨的手段堪称登峰造极。如果你留意那些最有名的广告标语,你会惊讶地发现以动词为核心的竟有那么多:“Just do it.” “Think different.” “I'm lovin' it.” “Got milk?” “Melts in your mouth …” “Tastes so good …” “Enjoy …”。
No accident, perhaps, that these verbs are either in the imperative mood (a command) or the present tense.
A problem with verbs is that they locate things in time and space: if something has happened, or is happening now, by implication it may not continue to do so.
So one usage in particular intrigues me, because it seems to solve this problem.“Delivering quality first” is a BBC Trust slogan.If it sounds like anodyne business-blurb, that may just be the temper of the times: that subjectless “-ing” form of slogan is ever more widely used.
因此,我对一种用法格外感兴趣,因为它似乎解决了这个问题。“Delivering quality first”是BBC信托委员会的口号。如果你觉得它听起来像是乏善可陈的商业广告,可能是由于时态的原因:无主语的“-ing”形式广告语使用非常广泛。
This is what I've come to think of as the “marketing gerund” — though, technically, it's a present participle.
This odd construction seems to be almost unique to the strapline-writing community.
Why is it so popular? My hunch is that it is an elegant, if slightly cheesy, way of having your cake and eating it.It puts, right up front in your slogan, a strong and action-filled verb but it also makes it sound almost stative (describing a state of being rather than an action).The participle cues us to understand the verb as an ongoing thing.The delivering is not a thing that has been done, that's occasionally done or that will be done — rather, it is implied the delivering is continuous.Here is the dynamism of a strong verb, with the changeless stasis of the verb to be.
Who knows? If Ozymandias had rebranded — “Sneering with cold command” — that statue might still be standing.
1.口语的运用:使广告具亲和力。如You've gotta try it! I love it!(微波炉)
2.运用主动语态:使消费者认为自己也站在一个主动的位置,而不会出现抵制情绪。如I'm lovin' it(快餐)
3.多运用“you/your/yourself”:如Melts in your mouth(巧克力)
4.运用祈使句:广告中很少有“please,will you?”等客气的字眼。如Just do it(运动产品)
5.运用疑问句:使消费者在不经意之间将广告印入脑海中。如Got milk?(牛奶)
6.无主语的“-ing”形式的使用:如Connecting People(移动通信产品)
enjoin [ɪn'dʒɒɪn; en-]
Any number of style guides enjoin you to use “strong” and “vigorous” verbs, to avoid “weak” passive constructions.
anodyne ['ænəudain]
If it sounds like anodyne business-blurb, that may just be the temper of the times.
cue [kjuː]
The participle cues us to understand the verb as an ongoing thing.
jolt [dʒəʊlt; dʒɒlt]
It is that they are “action-words” and that they give any sentence its electric jolt of energy.
categorical [kætɪ'gɒrɪk(ə)l]
As always, this is too categorical.